Gas Prices in your town ???

$3.19...that's just wrong.
A friend of mine owns some gas stations in south AL and made enough last year to buy a boat and a beach condo. I gave him crap about price gouging and he said it's hard to call it gouging when numbskulls are pulling up with 55 gallon barrels to fill up. It's supply and demand.
I can't argue that. I saw a Jeep pull up with 6 five gallon cans in the back after the Katrina episode.
i think its just screwed up if they wouldnt limit the supply then there wouldnt be such high prices and everybody freaking out its pretty much "why make 10 bucks when we can make a 100" i'd be happy if it would drop under 2 bucks a gal and stay in there somewhere from now on

Here, it's free for me, I just carry a garden hose around with me. LOL, I think it's down to 2.65.

car runs of H2O eh? seen something about that off the net about a year ago was pretty neat... ;) j/k but really did see a video about a GAS car running on H2O with some mod done to it. I think gas is at 2.51 in town (30 min drive) and 2.64 here.
Laph, I think you know this, but when I was growing up and there were no restrictors, people used to steal gas by using a garden hose and syphening it out of another car. We used to call it the Okie Credit Card. Or whatever state you were in at that time. Too bad it doesn't work anymore, I could fill up all my cars at the Mall! LOL, JK. Take Care, KJ

Here in Canada's far east we pay around $1.10 per 3.7854 litres per US gallon and the exchange rate we're paying well over $4.00 US per gallon!!!:( :cry:
Here in Canada's far east we pay around $1.10 per 3.7854 litres per US gallon and the exchange rate we're paying well over $4.00 US per gallon!!!:( :cry:

But look on the brite side. If you need a liver transplant the government will pay for it...right?:p
BP stations down here are under investigation for price gouging. As Tropical Storm Ernesto was approaching they were $0.20 a gallon more than all other gas stations.

Prices dropped three times at some stations in Wichita today. A few of them started at $2.65 this morning, and by the time I was on my way home from work, they were at $2.54.

Funny how a few weeks ago they said prices were going to hit $3.50 within days of the pipeline being shut down, and stay above $3.00 the rest of the year, but they never went up at all after that. Instead, they've been steadily dropping. It kinda scares me, and I wonder when the bomb is gonna hit and they jack it up to $4.00. I think they're trying to lull us into a false sense of security with the low prices, and then just as we get used to it and feel secure enough to spend money elsewhere on things we've done without, we're gonna get pummelled in the pucker hole again. So, I just take it one day at a time and deal with it. No sense worrying about it, I guess. Que sera, sera.
Lake Oswego Oregon! still stuck at $2.99 a gal. Luckily that's come down. It was sitting at $3.11 for a while.

I filled up at $3.07 this afternoon in the Bay Area (CA.)