Gas gauge

Good luck with that lol. Mine is possesed and goes crazy all the time. I hear its a common problem

Well it could be the GAUGE or the SENDING UNIT. The question is: Which one? The Best way to narrow it down. --- Pull. Sending Unit wire off back of Gas Gauge. --- Briefly. (Short time) apply a GROUND wire to sending unit Post (on gauge)--- with Ground on --- does Gauge read: FULL?? Only apply the Ground for a few seconds. This will tell us IF it is the Sending Unit or the Gauge. I Think on this Model Jeep Sending Unit should read like this : 1. Full ---- 10 ohms. 2. Empty --- 260. Ohms. Try this test. ---- see. If the Gauge Reads full -- when you apply Ground to Post on Gas gauge. -- where sending unit wire goes. Does it READ FULL? --- JB
im gonna have to fallow this thread, my cherokee says it has no gas sometimes for no reason, the gas light comes on and everything, i sit there and pump the gas and the needle finally starts to move back up