funny Macintosh video, crash different

I an "F" in rolling in my seat laughing my "A" off.. that was too funny!
i can so relate to that... i nearly killed one at school. using it for prolonged periods of time almost led me to contract terrets as well.
i dont' know how anyone can be a fan of mac.. NOTHING that you can buy is compatible with it, half the programs on the net will not run on apple os... the only thing it is good for is graphics....

windows baby.... windows 98 SE baby

Snitty said:
the only thing it is good for is graphics....
I will have to admit that Macs are the prefered desktop computer for the graphic design industry.
Till the advent of HTT (hyper thread Tech.) in the new P4 3.06 class.
Apple is a dead end...the pentium's are running faster and the graphic cards are running hotter these days then what Apple can produce.
well he does use them to edit the video he shhots for the news, and to edit the footage he shot at the world trade center, being as he was one of the only photographers let in
and my friend used to use a suziki samurai to get around the trails.... yeah, it worked, but certainly was not the best you can buy

I use a mac here.Works fine,good thing I am not a gamer though. :lol:
My cousin who is a video producer and makes the TV ads for Ebay and Yahoo uses a mac exclusivley. He's been trying to get me to convert to mac for about 6 years now. I just keep sticking to my PC though. I'll have to send him that link.
