Fun Facts about Jeepz

Joopin said:
The six month thing is a great idea, but wouldn't that mean Terry has to go through THOUSANDS of extinct members and delete thier accounts? That would suck, and I'm sure Terry has better things to do... it took him a while just to get everyones post count back up when the site changed over some months back. Just leave em, for the sake of Terrys' free time, they are like gravesites, cyber gravesites.

Just for the record, he never fixed my post count, but it's not important. :lol:

I thank Terry for putting up this site in the first place. It's where I come to relax, learn and listen. We have such a diverse group of people on this site, and it's great.

I'd volunteer my time to reduce the dead accounts (If it was possible). It clogs up the members list unnecessarily. Also, some have avatars or graphics associated with their name, and everythime someone checks an old thread... there they are. I'm sure it makes the search button less effective as well.

LadyJeepFreak, please come around more. I look forward to hearin' from you!
Im yet another one who's on here a lot, but doesnt post much.... usually either dont have time, or someone beats me to the answer i had!
