Full door locks broken...can they be fixed?


New member

I would like to know if anybody has fixed broken locks on their full doors before and what it involves.

On Sunday I washed my '94 yj and water got into the lock and it froze overnight. Monday morning I try to unlock with my key and --snap-- there went my lock. My passenger side was already broken, so now with my top on for the winter I have to crawl in from the back...very frustrating.

It didn't sound like anything broke apart, maybe just disconnected inside the door. So before I go tearing the door apart, does anyone have any advice?


Pull off your door panal, look at the lock mechanism. If there is still a rod attached to the end of the lock cylinder, the cylinder is broken (the rod is held on by a c clip). You can get a set of 2 new lock cylinders w/keys on ebay for about 15 bucks. If the rod has come off, put it back on. If the cylinders screwed up, order new ones and replace. There is a U shaped metal piece that slides up on the cylinder that holds it in place (it wedges between the door and some raised parts on the inside part of the lock cylinder). Good luck!
I've seen alot of it this winter. Most common thing to happen in the winter is the plastic clip that holds the linkage rod to the bell crank cracks and the linkage rod falls out. its just a matter of getting a new clip or rigging it to not fall out. Rarely does the cylinder itself break or the rods. The cylinder didn't fall out of the door or anything did it? Does the key turn now? just doesn't unlock? whats the word?
I can tell you the ins and outs of 1994 jeep full steel doors with my eyes closed! My first 94always had problems. The accuating rod from the lock/bear claw mechanism would always pop off. both sides. I ended up replacing a lot of the parts that were in there. not too bad $$ wise at the dealership for parts!
My second YJ, when I bought it both locks worked for about a month then both went again. this time the passengers side was the lock cylinder has a small metal arm that attaches to the lock mechanism via short rod, that got ripped of some how, and the drivers side just didn't want to unlock. I messed with it for about two days and then I installed lock accuators and wired them into my alarm, keyless entry. My key has not been put into me door locks in almost three years now!!

Thanks for all the tips! I'll look into it this weekend.

From your replies I can guess that the rod just fell off. The key still goes in and turns and wants to open it, but something inside isn't connected anymore. From your descriptions it sounds like the rod fell off.
Hopefully I'll be able to attach it again.

Thanks again!