Fouling out spark plugs

no when I kill it it dies right then like it suppose to. It's just real sluggish when taking off. Can smell a light gas odor. Starts up good also. No back firing at any time. No popping either I did find some dry rot vac lines today will that do it?
hmmmm..... still could be timing, but there are none of the other symptoms of bad timing going on....... could be a TBI issue and its dumping more fuel and not metering correctly. are there any adjustments on it? not real familiar with those early TBIs :( i know carbs and late TBIs lol

Not for sure if any adjustments I don't think so though. Would dry rot vac lines cause it?
could! a lot of the metering for fuel is done by vacuum, and if the vacuum lines are dry rotted to point they are cracked then that could cause a lot of probs!! and you can just buy bulk hose for vacuum lines, so its a cheap shot at a fix! i'd replace all of them if it were me! and i ALWAYS hose clamp them just to make sure they dont come loose, i've known a lot of ppl that dont and sometimes they stay put and sometimes they dont lol
also if you do any wheeling in any kind of standing water its a GOOD idea to extend your vent lines for your axles, trans and t-case up to the top of your firewall to keep water out! water is not so good for them!! lol i did that first thing as soon as i bought my jeep, but have seen a lot of ppl trash thier transmissions, t-cases etc bc they didnt and those are pricey repairs!!
yeah, heat and age are hard on them! the hard plastic lines are the worst, but idk of any like that on the jeeps, if so though you can always convert them to rubber hose
Are there any mods to the motor? intake to exhaust tip. a lot of older ODB1 motors were very sensitive to back pressure changes in teh exhaust, so if you removed a cat or put a big ol' muffler on there, the O2 sensor will sens a lean condition and will over fuel to compensate. I have not really heard of this issue with chrysler motors but I know old GM 2.8, 3.8 and 4.3 were notorios for this.

No mods to the motor. When I bought the jeep back in Jan of this year the guy I got it from just had s new muffler put on. Ran perfect until a couple weeks ago. The cat is still on there.
my YJ is OBD1, and i have a CRAP TON of mods on it, the whole exhaust is performance, TBI is performance, computer chip, etc, and i havent had any probs like that, and i have a lot of friends with wranglers like mine but 4cyls, and they have fewer mods but no probs like that. However that is good info that i've never heard of. Kinda like K&N filters will KILL a Mass Airflow sensor if ANY of the filter oil touches it!! I've seen that happen A LOT at work!! But no one tells people that when they are buying them

yeah, and the K&N is bad on ANY vehicle with a Mass Air flow sensor, so pretty much ALL newer vehicles lo they do get better flow but the oil on them destroys the sensors!! so you have to be VERY careful with them. they really dont effect the older OBD1 vehicles at all bc they dont have mass air flow sensors :) I have one on my jeep, but its a 94 so Im safe hehe
might want to check the cat and make sure its still fully intact, and also can do resistance tests on the 02 sensor to make sure its still good (OBD1 isnt as good at throwing codes everytime it should) but i would definately replace the vacuum lines first, that could fix it
Yea I'm off work Thursday and I'm going to start replacing all vac lines. Two out of four to my TB is bad and also one to the EGR is bad. One going to air filter and map sensor bad also. Basically all bad!

the ones on your tb and egr will make a HIGE difference!!! but even ONE bad vacuum line can cause a lot of probs!! and if those 3 are bad then i'd say there is a 90% chance replacing them all will fix it! and for your sake i hope they do!!!
wish you the best and i hear ya on that, i put all new brakes on my jeep, then the tcase went out, i bought a rebuild kit and chain, fixed that, then my rear end went out, so i had to buy a new ring n pinion and install kit and fix that, it sucked!!!!

Your luck sounds like mine lol! If it weren't for bad luck we would have no luck at all I guess. I really don't think mine is a serious problem but you can't never tell.
yeah i hear ya, i've been saying that my whole life!! lol you'd be suprised at how often the stupidest and smallest things that get overlooked all the time cause the most problems!! ALWAYS do the STUPID OBVIOUS stuff first to eliminate them as possibilities at all!!! work your way from easiest to hardest when it comes to diag (thats my method anyway and it has worked out for me so far bc theres a lot of stuff that seems so stupid most ppl over look them and it bites them in the arse)