for your viewing pleasure - my offroading citation! LOL

I don't cotton to the idea of plowing up acres of someone's personal real estate for your mudding and wheeling pleasure, however, it sounds as if this was actually just a big hole owned by the commonwealth for storing excess runoff, right? Most of my mudding occurs on public roads near a state lake close to home. I don't go into fields or other people's yards, but I do make a heckuva mess of the roads.

As for bragging about getting tickets, well, I'm split on that one. Being a retired paramedic, I hate to see anyone speeding or drag-racing on public roads because too many times I've had to clean up the results with a shovel and a spatula. I have one ticket from 20 years ago that I'm proud of, in a way. I was pulled over and ticketed for failing to wait 100 feet after turning on my blinker to change lanes. Yeah, the law said I should, but I didn't have a tape measure handy to know when I'd travelled the required distance. After the cop handed me the ticket, I asked him, "Does the attitude come with the badge, or did you have to buy it separately?" Well, that comment cost me a couple more safety citations, but it was worth it. The cop was a real jerk. I've worked with a lot of cops as a paramedic, and most all of them were great people, but I've also come across a couple that have no business carrying guns, if you know what I mean.
TwistedCopper said:
Now for some of you folks that have gone out of your way to co-sign Dingus' original post

Uhh oh. Somehow I get the strange feeling that this is at least partly referring to me. :?

Yeah? well Kerry swallows. You can have my gun, come and get it!

LOL. :D Edgy eh?

I didn't mean to be rebel rouser (okay maybe I did), but I just couldn't resist that one. Twisted, you're my sparring buddy. But I'm not sparring with you on this 'cause fundamentally and legally you're are right...but com'on, feelings aside, you gotta have fun with life sometimes. I guess there's a bit of natural tension between the very responsible position and the latter.

As I think about it, without your post and a bunch of adda boys, it might have been too much the latter. Without a few adda boys and a bunch of "hey, watch it Dingus" it would seem too anal. Somehow, the mix of the two makes the whole thing a bit more... uh, right? no. proper? nope. Balanced? ugh! hmmm. a bit more....a bit more.... I give up. But what ever it is, I wouldn't have it any other way. And I think that particular dynamic keeps our country interesting, fresh, and OUT of the crapper...all at the same time. If only we could find a president that could do the same.

In the meantime, I'm stepping aside while you get that root canal....but then I'm comin' to get your gun! :wink:
Okay, now let me backpeddle a little :lol:
I've always had to trespass to do at least 50% of my wheeling. That's just how it is around here, we ALL do it. I don't go in people's yards.....most of my illegal wheeling is in hunting clubs and county construction sites. They have been building alot of roads around here and the land adjacent to those roads is full of fun little obstacles. The hunting clubs are privately owned, but I'll gladly trespass on their land and make as much noise and trail destruction as I want......and I don't feel bad about it one bit....but that's another issue. We have ALOT of wooded area perfect for wheeling but it's owned by the county and they frown upon sharing THEIR land with the common taxpaying citizen. There is NO chance on that issue, the board would laugh at you if you went before them and proposed setting aside some land for wheeling.....there's no real profit in that. They want to restrict beach access so bad they can't stand it. They basically closed one beach access last year and started charging a fee for the other. They imposed speed limits and started giving tickets for careless and reckless driving if they saw you lift a tire or spinning the tires "excessively". It's very wheeler unfriendly around here. Half of it I can understand because we have alot of wetlands that need to be protected for the sake of the wildlife that depends on it to survive, but there are tons of other good places that are offlimits and protected by the same laws used to protect those wetlands.....which in turn lowers the average persons respect for the areas that really do need to be offlimits. If you live in an area where it's better, be thankful. Just don't judge me for working with what I've got.

Been to court a bunch of times for tresspass. But can honestly say, I´ve rarley distroyed anything.
Stay off of the farm roads, when they are wet. Drive the fields after they have cut the hay or harvested the corn. Grounds frozen, I´m liable to drive anywhere.
Everytime I went to court, I`d plead guilty with an explanation. My explanation was, if there were approved areas around, I sure would have driven there.

Friday night driving the back roads near Jacksonville Florida, high water washed out much of the roads, got lost, headlights blew a fuse, running out of gas, headed for a light way off in the distance, charged up a bank landed with a thud and sunk to the axles, dark as heck, looking for someplace to hook up my high jack and a strap and bumped into a stick with the number 9 on a little penant. Won´t even tell you how much that one cost, I did make the papers, screwed up the Mayors T time.
One area I used to wheel, was a flood control basin, everytime it would rain the whole thing, would flood and wash out the tire marks. Closed the area to off roading. Now have an area for dog walking, for kite flying, for model airplanes, duck watching and whatever. Got to be millions of off roaders out there, somehow off roading, has become about as acceptable as nude sun bathing. Though around here there are more areas set aside for nudists, than off roaders.
looking for someplace to hook up my high jack and a strap and bumped into a stick with the number 9 on a little penant.
HAHAHA!! You're forgiven here! Justifiable landscape homicide! I like to golf, but what a waste of land.
TwistedCopper said:
This is freakin' ridiculous! God forbid someone speak their mind when they think something is inappropriate!!! Might hurt someone's feelings That is why this country is in the crapper!

I agree. All I was doing was speaking my mind...about gruffness, god forbid I hurt anyone's feelings. :lol:

We need to lighten up, it's just a BB. :wink:
just thought i'd throw another little short story in this mix here...

there's a guy up on 313 who owns a nursery... landscaping services... etc. anyways, all his staff and probably he himself offroad on his property as it has several backroad unmarked entrances to the woods behind his facilities. on one night, someone got stuck back in his property and gave up for a while. He left the property, private property yet not marked as such, the landowner constructed a FENCE around his rig, and forced him to pay $10,000 to get it out!