for your viewing pleasure - my offroading citation! LOL

It just depends on what you got to work with. I don't have ANY legal places to wheel unless I want to putt up and down the beach, go mudracing, or I have someones permission to use their private land. I guess if you live next to a zillion acre park that allows vehicular access or you have mountains in the backyard, you would see it differently than me. I've trespassed ALOT, and I'll keep doing it if I see something that needs to be climbed, or some mud that needs to be stirred up :) . It's like the whole Tread Lightly crap. If I rockcrawled, where you move slower than grandma, I could dig the tread lightly thing.......but I didn't spend the money on that built V8 and set of Big ol Super Swampers so I could go "tread lightly". How DO you tread lightly through a mud pit?
Junkpile said:
It just depends on what you got to work with. I don't have ANY legal places to wheel unless I want to putt up and down the beach, go mudracing, or I have someones permission to use their private land. I guess if you live next to a zillion acre park that allows vehicular access or you have mountains in the backyard, you would see it differently than me. I've trespassed ALOT, and I'll keep doing it if I see something that needs to be climbed, or some mud that needs to be stirred up :) . It's like the whole Tread Lightly crap. If I rockcrawled, where you move slower than grandma, I could dig the tread lightly thing.......but I didn't spend the money on that built V8 and set of Big ol Super Swampers so I could go "tread lightly". How DO you tread lightly through a mud pit?

Dude, I love the way you think!! Too bad you don't live closer...we would definatly do some wheeling together :lol:

JunkPile, maybe you'd have more legal places to wheel if it were not for rampant trespassing and the destruction of private property.

You have to act responsibly if you want to get anything. Of course getting others who behave similarly to do the same thing, not so easy.

dingus said:
anyways, i'll ignore the sarcasm. i wanted to post this to show everyone how expensive it is to make mistakes. live and learn, hopefully someone will learn from my mistake.
Had you posted this in your initial post, it would have been taken completely different. Seems to me your backpedaling as well, but according to you my assumptions about the first post were wrong as well.

I don't think this board has changed much over the past few years, and I think you've insulted many by implying that it's not as great a place as many believe. One of the things I like about this board is the high level of maturity the majority of it's users display, and the lack of trash talking. You didn't get flamed, go to boards like POR and you'll see flamed.

And some profanity has been edited out of certain posts in this thread, it really doesn't add anything.
Uhhhh, "Welcome Back Dingus".

I haven't seen you around for a while. You were one of the guys on this board I looked forward to hearing from...being fellow XJ'er and all. Sorry for the cold greeting, but I hope you hang out a little more inspite. I'll help you rile these guys up by posting some controversial stuff too! :mrgreen:

Lighten up guys...crimmeny. Lesson learned.

Besides Dingus, you're a mod, just delete all of the posts from the gruff guys. :lol:
yeah if you want to get us REALLY riled up just say something like.........


You'll always be one of us, dingus, you been around a long time and always have plenty to contribute.

Now tell me how you beat the rap ;)
jeep90 said:
yeah if you want to get us REALLY riled up just say something like.........



So There. :wink:
Oct. 8-10, Octoberfest at Turkey Bay ORV, LBL Kentucky(PICS)

Silence of my lambs. Just felt like saying that.

ahhhhhh Im sooooo angryyyyyy........mingez you enrage meeeeee!!!!!

Dingus, the only thing that I think you need to be lectured about is having neon lights on your car... I can't believe nobody picked on you for that one!
if memory serves me correctly, he drove a dodge neon. I think that if you own a neon you HAVE to install neons. Although I am not sure of that rule.

jeep90 said:
ahhhhhh Im sooooo angryyyyyy........mingez you enrage meeeeee!!!!!

Hahahahaha. Ahhhh levity... it's fannnnntasstic!
When I said what a Dumb Azz on my thread, I meant myself for doing the illegeal offroading in another state. lol Just wanted to straighten that up. Yea, posting the citations isn't in my tastes but I'm 10 years older than you Dingus and I totally understand. I am glad your learning and keeping your reminders of mistakes close to you.

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back................<sings offkey>
where to buy cj dmond pl rocker guards

(in punk teenage voice)
I got green lights up under my caaar......dude I'm talkin' bout' green lights all up under my car!

(in redneck voice)
If you got green lights under your car, you had better not come around where I live....where I Kentucky....if you drive around with green lights under your car, you will get shot....someone will think you are a UFO.

This looses a lot without the accents but it is a quote from a commedian named Jamey Ragle.

shackle reversals???

no no no... i did drive a neon for about a year... but the neon lights were on my first car - honda CRX si. the neon didn't get any aftermarket attention from me, that stupid POS!

anyways guys, no hard feelings, i was just trying to share a fun moment with everyone, that was quite a night when the jeep got stuck. it wasn't a homeowners' property that i was on, it was part of an industrial park that i was trespassing on, not to excuse my poor judgement.

i got out of the ticket because i know the judge (old neighbor of mine) and he helped me meet the cop and mediated the whole thing for me. even waived all the court fees.

i meant no disrepect by insulting the board, if you consider it an insult. this board will always be in my favorites, and although i don't even own a jeep anymore i still love to stop by and chat with everyone.

Dingus, I hope my reply here didn't get you nearly as worked up as 88Wrangles. I just felt the need to support some of the other comments.

again I'll say I don't think anybody was tying to dump on you.

As for the "tread lightly", I say hit the trail hard, real hard! but respect your surroundings while doing so.

Gruff guys?? pleeeeeease.
Gruff guys?? pleeeeeease.

What? Yes... gruff. It's not an insult, I'm gruff at times. And I don't think I had you in mind when I wrote it.

.....But NOW you're being gruff. :D

Pronunciation: 'gr&f
Function: adjective
Etymology: Dutch grof; akin to Old High German grob coarse, hruf scurf -- more at DANDRUFF
1 : rough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect <a gruff reply>
2 : being deep and harsh : HOARSE <a gruff voice>

I thinks that applies to some people. Don't read too much into it. Ya gruff bastid. :wink:
dingus said:
anyways guys, no hard feelings, i was just trying to share a fun moment with everyone, that was quite a night when the jeep got stuck. it wasn't a homeowners' property that i was on, it was part of an industrial park that i was trespassing on, not to excuse my poor judgement.

For whatever it's worth, I got a kick out of your post. Quite the accomplishment!!! Everyone has "poor judgement" from time to time. Some poor judgement is really bad. Some is relatively innocuous. I'd put this is the latter category. You've also received your 40 lashes, or uhh, 400 lashes such that it won't be repeated. And I'm the last person who should be advocating this position. Afterall, I am an environmentalist at heart.

Remember that ticket I got for expired plates a few weeks ago? Well, the one part that I failed to mention was that I pulled up beside the cop at a stop light and started reving my engine. Poor judgement? Maybe. But I'd rev it even harder if I could find the same cop (given that my plates are current now).

And now I part with one last thought...


hehehehehehe. Thanks Jeep90 & Mingez, you know I just couldn't resist. :D
tracbar relocation

Now for some of you folks that have gone out of your way to co-sign Dingus' original post and point out that those of us who thought his post was inappropriate are being rude, riduculous, harsh, gruff, etc:

Understand that no one here insulted him, but pointed out that posting a ticket for illegal offroading as a trophy makes us look bad. He was not being attacked for not being perfect, making a mistake, or anything else. As a matter of fact he wasn't being attacked at all.

This is freakin' ridiculous! God forbid someone speak their mind when they think something is inappropriate!!! Might hurt someone's feelings That is why this country is in the crapper!


Yeah? well Kerry swallows. You can have my gun, come and get it!

Sorry folks the baby was screaming all night, I have to work all weekend, and I need a stinkin' root canal. :x