flywheel and flexplate bolts


New member
I am putting a new clutch in my jeep and installed the flywheel, bolted it down and torqued the bolts. I then put the disk and PP on and bolted, torqued them down. NOW, this is about the time I realized the guy at the store gave me FLEX PLATE bolts for my FLYWHEEL. The flexplate bolts are 3/4" long and the flywheel bolts are 1" long, with the flywheel being thicker than the flexplate do you guys think the flexplate bolts will be fine??? They did torque down to 60ftlbs but im just guessing that maybe a quarter inch or so is all that's in the hole.. whats your thoughts?? really don't wana take it all back off and retap all the holes again to get the locktight out.

if you locktited them in and they torqued to 60, I would not worry. that's me though
Respecting your feelings and thoughts about the difference of bolt length . Having done the same job six months back , I know your feelings of tearing it all down again. Sure , it's doable , but do you really want to ? One side of me says " run 'er hard and pray to God " and the other says I prefer the right fasteners . I don't see the fasteners backing out since they're assembled with thread locker but that isn't the issue. A quarter inch shy of fully seated into the crank hub has one thinking . Wondering if the vendor of the bolts may have some input on this . After all , the bolts are made to a grade spec and the manufacturer would know the tensile strength versus depth . If they shoot you down on it , I guess you'll be on your back again . Never been in this situation but it can't hurt to check into it. Certainly don't want you to have to lose sleep over it . Also realizing you've got a healthy 327 which produces more torque than a conventional jeep engine. Please do research . Will make you feel better .
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Thanks guys, I value both of your opinions.! I talked to guys at work yesterday about it and the senses seems to be " if they torqued down they should be fine", but im kinda with you greg in that it would just make me feel better knowing. one of the bolts did strip the hole, but I found a longer bolt in the garage and cut it to length and it went in deeper and grabbed good threads and torqued down. that was the only one I had trouble with.. going to think hard about it today and make my decision this evening. let you know how it go,s. Thanks again!

Your most welcome sir ! Forgot to ask but I think from my reading of your first post that the trans/t-case aren't yet bolted back up ? Am I correct ? If that's the case , then absolutely go after getting the right bolts . But yes , looking forward to your next post .
p.s.- although it's highly doubtful that six bolts in a circle will all snap upon proper torque , I still feel better knowing the right bolts are in place .
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Well, im with you greg. Im going to go get the correct bolts this morning, im off work today so im going to work on the jeep. They would probably be just fine but every time I got on the gas hard those bolts would be in the back of my mind, getting the correct ones would eliminate that concern and give me piece of mind.. NO the transmission and tcase are not bolted in yet, just the flywheel and clutch.

My fears always get the best of me . It's the kind of thing I wouldn't want to experiment with . I mean , maybe it would have been ok but we all know there are reasons why things are made the way they are. If bolts are supposed to thread in a certain depth , I just feel better sticking to design . I don't feel comfortable trying to out wit engineers. Yeah , I've done things to this effect before but we're talking engine torque and at increased rpm . Remember what A.J. Foyt said " at high speeds , anything can happen ". Glad the job will be easier since the trans/t-case are still down . I'm sure you are too ! It's a real nice jeep and I just knew the wrong bolts didn't sit well with you .
So I got the new correct bolts, wish I had gotten a pic to show the length difference for others to see, I feel much better with these. I just had visions of that flywheel coming loose and taking my legs with it, seems I have heard of that happening before to someone, as mentioned above "their not holding fender flares on" . Things happened yesterday and I only was able to get the flywheel back on and put the clutch back in place. Probably wont be able to work on it again until Saturday, ill try to grab some pictures to post but im not the best at posting pictures, but ill try.
on some race cars, they put a scatter shield around the clutch area in case that section blows apart at race rpm. they sell them on jegs and looking at them, I always wonder if they would actually work because they look so flimsy

Yes, I know about the scatter shields and have wondered if they would work myself. I know a lot of people run them that race, maybe some day I will really look into that, but I feel fine now with the correct bolts in there. Funny thing or not so funny thing is, I took flex plate bolts out of it when I took the flywheel off. Glad they held up!
Nice to know the flex plate bolts held up fine all this time under the load and torque of the mighty 327 ! Still a good feeling to have proper bolt size for what it's worth . I had a scatter shield ( bell housing ) on a 396 BB Chevy with a Borg & beck pressure plate . I think it was a Lakewood . That was all the hype back then. Would have to look around at my dads house if it's still around . Was a pretty solid unit but you have to wonder just how they really hold up. Have heard too many times of dragster , diggers or funny car mishaps of clutches explode and the havoc they have reaked . I think you'll be fine . Even with the torquey small block .
no real reason for the pics other than I know we like looking at them.. The trans would not go in with the bell attached to it so I have to bolt the bell on before the trans went in


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didn't load all of the pics. hope this worked. Well it didn't! I had 5 pics but I cant get them all to load so here are two of them. Today I want to get the driveshafts on and the shifter and linkage, slave cylinder back on and I think I will be ready for the road again.


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Bummer . Yeah , the jeep's floor is tight on the firewall where it meets the floorboard . Either the floor access must be removed or the engine tilted out all the way which stresses the engine mounts . Either way , just increases the work load . Glad you'll be rolling soon ! Thanks for the pic's ! We like pic's !