First time Wheelin'!


New member
We had 4-5 inches of snow today in Kansas. I seized the opportunity and took my 94 YJ (bought 3 weeks ago, my 1st Jeep) out for her first wheeling experience with me. This began at about 1am Kansas time, emboldened by a couple of beers and a brother in the passenger seat constantly saying "You can make that!"

We hit every bike trail, open field, parking lot, random undeveloped land, ditch, and wheat field within a 5 mile radius. We were at times chased by home owners (verbally), snow plow drivers (whom we evaded by cutting across a field, then taunted by returning and cutting across another field), police (cut the lights), golf course superintendents (out of their jurisdiction, but we were close and word was spreading), and rent a cops (it's hard for a sedan to cut across a field with multiple ditches and 5 inches of snow to come after us).

I was repeatedly amazed at what eaze my stock 94 YJ handled any challenge I threw at it, almost yawning at me as if to say "Is that all you got ?!"

This was one of the most fun nights I have ever had. My Jeep feels invincible. It can go anywhere it wants to.

I would love to hear similar first time wheeling stories.
RE: Junkpile, another 2a

Glad you had fun in the Jeep but please don't give the rest of us bad names by tearing up private property.

Thanks dude.
Re: RE: Dodge sneek peek Electric swaybar Disco

Sounds like you had fun.

Don't sweat the other thread. We've all done it.....that is unless you live down the road from a legal wheeling spot, then you can climb up on your high horse and condemn others for doing what you don't have to do. Just don't tear up somebody elses property, that's not cool. As far as the trespassing part, that's between you---the land owner---and any cop that happens to get involved.

Junkpile said:
Sounds like you had fun.

Don't sweat the other thread. We've all done it.....that is unless you live down the road from a legal wheeling spot, then you can climb up on your high horse and condemn others for doing what you don't have to do.

Um, no we haven't "all done it". And the closest legal spot for me is a couple of hours away. KC Jeeper was tearing up bike trails, farmers fields, golf courses, yards and who knows what else. You think it's no big deal Junkpile? It just gives the politicians more reason and more ammunition to shut down legal areas when they can point to all the damage we so called "responsible" 4 wheelers are doing to public property.

I think I'll stay up here on my high horse, thanks.
sure you wheeled around a bit - but you didnt get stuck there for it was not your first REAL wheeling experience :p go on and get stuck - no better way to christen your baby :D
i said it before but i'll say it again anyways

getting a new jeep is like getting a new bed - sure you can sleep it it but its not christend till you F^%$ on it. sure you can drive your jeep around but its not christend till you get it stuck

took me 20 hours to christen my jeep (but only becasue i had to work at 5 am the next day and didnt get home with my jeep till about 11)
RE: Junkpile, another 2a

We weren't really on any personal property. Most of it is fields and trails near a major lake here. We weren't on the golf course, we just got close when a field/trail we were cutting through came up close to the course. That particular course is always watched pretty closely by security. Didn't go through anyone's yard, but we did come up on a neighborhood after cutting through a field where some people happened to be outside. We just turned around and headed back the other way.

Sorry, I just get riled up sometimes when people destroy other peoples property. If you weren't, KC, my mistake.
It's cool. I think what we did would mostly fall under trespassing or illegal wheeling on state property. The lake is located in a state park. It would actually be hard for me to get arrested by the Sheriff out here because my sister is a Deputy and I am friends with most of the department. I would never intentionally damage someone's personal property. The fields out there are pretty much just vacant areas. Not much farming out there for whatever reason.

RE: Jeep Tj Trick

Well I'm glad that you had a good time!! Now, like antsinmypants said, you need to get it stuck!!

...And if you happen to have a new bed, well you know what to do with that too....
no one said you need a new bed for that - or even a bed... athough must admit not always so confortable in a wrangler (i suggest the front passenger seat and invest in "oh shit" bars for leverage)
but yes.... no need for a new bed :)

KCJeeper said:
It's cool. I think what we did would mostly fall under trespassing or illegal wheeling on state property. The lake is located in a state park. It would actually be hard for me to get arrested by the Sheriff out here because my sister is a Deputy and I am friends with most of the department. I would never intentionally damage someone's personal property. The fields out there are pretty much just vacant areas. Not much farming out there for whatever reason.

Yeah, but I own about 180 acres of "vacant area" south of KC. Most of it is timber, some of it farmland. Yeah, it'd make a great wheeling park, but I want to keep it natural, the way it was when my great-great-great grandfather homesteaded it. Just a note: If ya decide to go wheeling in a "vacant area" south of KC, be forewarned that more than a couple of the locals will fire at headlights in the timber or pasture in the middle of the night, due to the amount of coyote hunters and deer poachers that thrive on tearing out fencelines and rutting out cropland. Not saying I'd do that, but if I did, I wouldn't get arrested, because my cousin Marvin is the Sheriff of that county.......

Oh, yeah, Junkpile? Add me to that list of people who prefer to stay on our high horses. For one thing, up here, I got a pretty good view of what's going on, and for another, I don't find myself neck deep in meadow muffins everytime I open my mouth.
Re: RE: How stuff works on the JEEP Hurricane

I don't find myself neck deep in meadow muffins everytime I open my mouth.

I don't quite get that one.....please explain. Is that reference to me? or just in general?

I wasn't referring to anyone's comments in particular. I didn't even read the whole thread that was mentioned. I also don't really care who does or doesn't like what I typed......that's just the way I see it, sorry. If the dude goes on your land, do what you've got to do. But bullets can fly both ways, so if your gonna use one, shoot to kill.....before the other guy does.

I never said it was okay to trespass on private land, and destroying someones private property isn't my thing. On the other hand, as long as it's not my property, it's none of my business if someone else does it. The original post was about a fellow Jeepers first wheeling experience, and he was greeted with an implied condemnation of his activity. That's fine, he now knows he MAY have done wrong, it's done now.....let's move on.

Oh yeah.....keep your damn high horses off my property. I don't want to have to drive through the poop piles :)
Junkpile said:
I don't find myself neck deep in meadow muffins everytime I open my mouth.

I don't quite get that one.....please explain. Is that reference to me? or just in general?

No, not you, just in general.

But bullets can fly both ways, so if your gonna use one, shoot to kill.....before the other guy does.

Never said I was gonna shoot anyone, just that some of the land owners out that way tend to shoot at lights in the timber or pastures. My comment was added about it because the OP said he wouldn't get in trouble because his sister is a sheriff's deputy.

I never said it was okay to trespass on private land, and destroying someones private property isn't my thing. On the other hand, as long as it's not my property, it's none of my business if someone else does it.

That's the rub there. No, you didn't say it was ok, you said that "we all do it". No, we don't all do it. And yes, it is your business, if you have any notion of wheeling anywhere except your own property, because incidents like this make lawmakers prohibit wheeling in more and more areas. Before long, there won't be any ORV parks to wheel in, if this type of thing continues.

The original post was about a fellow Jeepers first wheeling experience, and he was greeted with an implied condemnation of his activity.

I didn't see it as an implied condemnation of his activity. I saw it as a direct condemnation of his activity from those of us who care about our rights to wheel in certain areas, and don't want to lose those rights because of someone who thinks they are above the law because their sis is a cop, or because it was their first time.

Oh yeah.....keep your damn high horses off my property. I don't want to have to drive through the poop piles :)

Meadow muffins, my friend, meadow muffins! :lol:

Sparky, actually I said "we have all DONE it". Not to try and split hairs or anything, but there is a difference in those two statements.

Never said I was gonna shoot anyone, just that some of the land owners out that way tend to shoot at lights in the timber or pastures

That worries me. Most of the guys I know carry some type of firearm with them when they go out in the woods. A warning shot from a land owner could quickly turn into a funeral for the land owners wife to have to attend. Setting traps is another way to end up hurting yourself more than others. Construction owners do this all the time and I just can't see where it pays off. Revenge is hell, and the repairs to someones Jeep tires in no way compares to having to replace a piece of heavy equipment that the construction company might find themselves having to face for their little bright idea. That is not an activity which I would support, but it happens. The best thing to do is put up a gate or barrier, and when people get past the police.
RE: misc. stuff and factory tj stuff for sale

That is true Junkpile, If I ever caught anyone wheeling on my property (which I have) I would never shoot a gun off. Especially not towards them!! Most land owners know that the best way is to just go talk to the people and be friendly about it.

I have accidently ended up in private property before (which did have signs posted, but not from the direction I came in at) and the guy came chasing after me on a quad (I was on a CR 500). I pulled over and he was just screeming at me like a mad man. Well I don't put up with stuff like that too he simply got a nice roost in his face (on a gravel road!!). And when you're sitting there, not expecting it with no helmet or anything...It's gotta be hell!!!
Chevy 350 4 bolt Extra Stuff too !!!!!!!

Junkpile said:
Sparky, actually I said "we have all DONE it". Not to try and split hairs or anything, but there is a difference in those two statements.

Split all the hairs ya want, but I have NEVER intentionally done it. Not as much difference in the two as you want to believe. Whether it is now or in the past, I don't condone it, and it is still wrong.

Congrats on your first time off-roading. Its a blast huh? Be careful where you drive next time so that people don't have to call the police on you. As for your sister being a deputy remember, the Sheriff, her boss, is an elected official and whenever town people get mad they go to him for answers as to why the deputy did not take action against someone they reported as trespassing. Your sis could end up unemployed.