First Stuck (Well sorta)


New member

Humm, Don't laugh at me, laugh with me. Last night it was raining hard here in town where I live so I decided to go down to the sand pits (about 20 mins away). I hadn't got to go in them yet since I got my Jeep two or so weeks ago. My thinking was they'd be wet down some.

Well, it hadn't rained much down there and the sand is thick . I took someone with me cuz I'm not a total blonde (point 1 for me) and we went ahead and got out on the sand and hills.

Had some fun for about fifteen minutes and of course got gutsy feeling and started through the smaller section in the trees in around the pit. (subtract point 1) Well.................
successfull a few times through some teeny tiny paths that I couldn't see well through (enter trees inside jeep) then took this one path way too small and on the other side was some really soft sand and a curve that my jeep didn't like!

Ended up stuck (go figure-subract not yet earned point 2). Well, it was my first time out really and I guess these things have to happen for me to learn. Boy was my rider unhappy for a bit. lol

Being new, I don't have any good gear to help me get unstuck so we just tried a few things that I had read but they didn't really help. (enter the now sand covered floor mats)

I ended up reversing and turning around and driving through a field of swamp type grass to get back on the pit without any more work. (gain point 2 back for me) So, I got unstuck after all that effort by just driving through a field. I know it's not wise to drive where you can't see and the bush was over the hood of the Jeep so I was wary but it all worked out fine.

Over and out, just thought I'd share. :-O [addsig]


Way to go LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: I give you a point for
taking a buddy along but you lose a point for not taking
another jeep ...LOL :lol: but in all I am glad you shared...

Happy Jeepin' :-D [addsig]

Well good for you it is a good thing to get stuck cause that means you were out there useing your jeep. 2 points for you! You jeeped hard enought to get stuck another 2 points. You found a way to get it un stuck by your self 5 points. You had listend read or what ever to some one or some story about how to get out. 1 more point. You are able to laugh at it and I bet you will be out there and trying again now all the points you ever need. Go for it girl ride the wheels off that jeep and love every min. of it. Tug[addsig]

We learn from our experiences, and what have we learned?

Jeeps are fun no matter what!

Glad to hear that you got those tires dirty and you had a blast doing so. The hole Idea behind the jeep lifestyle is not how built you rig is or if you can make it over double whammy in moab! It is whether you use your jeep and enjoy it.

I used my jeep in stock condition for years off road and I enjoyed everybit of it! Upgrades didn't come until things started to break!



Great story..and no one around here will laugh at being fact most of us think it's a good thing !!!!!!!!!! However, I must weren't wheeling without another vehicle were you ?...........If so...subtract 1000 points.......definatly NOT a good idea.

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]

like rob said it is not to go by your self, but if you do make sure you have a cell phone. and if you do a most of your wheeling alone make your FIRST mod a winch, i cant cound on how many times it has saved me when i was alone... lockers and tires will only take you further BEFORE you get stuck a winch will UN-stick you[addsig]