firefox users...

Hey TC, How does firefox compare to explorer?
As far as compare..its pretty much the same deal, but its a little better on the security end. Not so much adware/spyware junk out there yet to destroy firefox....yet

OK, I must be out of it ,What does IMO mean? Never mind just figured it out.
IMO = In my opinion.

I LOVE Firefox. I really love the ad blocker. I'm always amazed at how many ads there are on web pages when I use explorer. I also like the spell checker in 2.0. It checks the spelling on everything you type on the web.

edit: great extension, thanks TC
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Ok, so Im a retard.
I downloaded and installed the extension, not fully understanding what it is supposed to do for me.

I have the extension, but how do you use it?
I don't see anything different, is there an option I left unchecked?
After restarting Firefox you can right click in a box where you are typing and there will be additional options for bolding text, inserting images etc.
OIC now. thanks!
If I could just get Firefox to remember me when I go back to

I still have to use IE if I don't want to log in manually everytime.

90xjay, In Firefox, go to Tools then Options then click the Privacy tab. Is that box checked that says, "Accept cookies from sites"? Also make sure it says to keep them until they expire.
Hello all i have been using Firefox and Mozilla and Lindows, now Linspire, Linux since I hooked up this Tiger direct piece of *&^#@$, And I have found it to be more reliable, faster, less and UNprone to crashes compared to MS, so here's my question;
I bought a used Cherokee 4.0 sport. When I was looking at it , a neighbor comes over to me and says that the thing has a bad oil leak and to be wary. So, when i talk to this Gorgeous Blond who's selling the thing, she tells me that "Oh It's OK I put a new rear main oil seal in the thing", and she shows me the reciept! She's asking $2500, I offer $1500, thinking here comes my bargaining skills on this chick, right,? So she says OK!
Well low and behold,after like 2 months,the thing leaks oil! I bring the thing to my long trusted mechanic, new rear main seal, $800, says the chick must've played me or even out right lied to me about the seal A/O the repair bill. A chick played a dude!?No Way, anyway, Alright I says, fix'um up!
Well not 3 months later, again I'm leaking oil!!!!
I bring the thing back to 'Ole Mack the mic, and says to him," you screwed up!", He says it's not me it's the The thing! He says the "JEEP" that is has a history of faulty crank shafts, the thing is bent! I can put in a new crank or just live with the little oil drip.
It started out a Qt. a month, then a week, NOW it's every 3 days! People actually flag me over at stoplights and signs sometimes to tell me I'm dripping something, you can actually se it flow down onto the drive shaft! Where it sprays outwards onto anybody near me!
SO... again my question is...Is this true and have any of you out there ever heard of this ,or am I again played the fool?( but you should have seen her in that skirt, with that cream colored ,hand crocheted sweater, she smelled like Spring flowers):?

Hello all i have been using Firefox and Mozilla and Lindows, now Linspire, Linux since I hooked up this Tiger direct piece of *&^#@$, And I have found it to be more reliable, faster, less and UNprone to crashes compared to MS, so here's my question;
I bought a used Cherokee 4.0 sport. When I was looking at it , a neighbor comes over to me and says that the thing has a bad oil leak and to be wary. So, when i talk to this Gorgeous Blond who's selling the thing, she tells me that "Oh It's OK I put a new rear main oil seal in the thing", and she shows me the reciept! She's asking $2500, I offer $1500, thinking here comes my bargaining skills on this chick, right,? So she says OK!
Well low and behold,after like 2 months,the thing leaks oil! I bring the thing to my long trusted mechanic, new rear main seal, $800, says the chick must've played me or even out right lied to me about the seal A/O the repair bill. A chick played a dude!?No Way, anyway, Alright I says, fix'um up!
Well not 3 months later, again I'm leaking oil!!!!
I bring the thing back to 'Ole Mack the mic, and says to him," you screwed up!", He says it's not me it's the The thing! He says the "JEEP" that is has a history of faulty crank shafts, the thing is bent! I can put in a new crank or just live with the little oil drip.
It started out a Qt. a month, then a week, NOW it's every 3 days! People actually flag me over at stoplights and signs sometimes to tell me I'm dripping something, you can actually se it flow down onto the drive shaft! Where it sprays outwards onto anybody near me!
SO... again my question is...Is this true and have any of you out there ever heard of this ,or am I again played the fool?( but you should have seen her in that skirt, with that cream colored ,hand crocheted sweater, she smelled like Spring flowers):?
Are you sure that you don't have a bad crankcase vent problem causing oil to be pushed out? 4.0's are stout but the two main problems can be PCV related and exhaust manifolds cracking. Both can be fixed and resolved.

If you run the motor while taking off the oil filler cap, see if you see vapor coming out of the oil fill hole. Put your hand over the opening, you should not feel pressure. Bad crank case vent can make one leak oil, the oil will just find the easiest way out.

BTW, I never heard of this so-called history or bent crank shafts.
Hello all i have been using Firefox and Mozilla and Lindows, now Linspire, Linux since I hooked up this Tiger direct piece of *&^#@$, And I have found it to be more reliable, faster, less and UNprone to crashes compared to MS, so here's my question;
I bought a used Cherokee 4.0 sport. When I was looking at it , a neighbor comes over to me and says that the thing has a bad oil leak and to be wary. So, when i talk to this Gorgeous Blond who's selling the thing, she tells me that "Oh It's OK I put a new rear main oil seal in the thing", and she shows me the reciept! She's asking $2500, I offer $1500, thinking here comes my bargaining skills on this chick, right,? So she says OK!
Well low and behold,after like 2 months,the thing leaks oil! I bring the thing to my long trusted mechanic, new rear main seal, $800, says the chick must've played me or even out right lied to me about the seal A/O the repair bill. A chick played a dude!?No Way, anyway, Alright I says, fix'um up!
Well not 3 months later, again I'm leaking oil!!!!
I bring the thing back to 'Ole Mack the mic, and says to him," you screwed up!", He says it's not me it's the The thing! He says the "JEEP" that is has a history of faulty crank shafts, the thing is bent! I can put in a new crank or just live with the little oil drip.
It started out a Qt. a month, then a week, NOW it's every 3 days! People actually flag me over at stoplights and signs sometimes to tell me I'm dripping something, you can actually se it flow down onto the drive shaft! Where it sprays outwards onto anybody near me!
SO... again my question is...Is this true and have any of you out there ever heard of this ,or am I again played the fool?( but you should have seen her in that skirt, with that cream colored ,hand crocheted sweater, she smelled like Spring flowers):?

First off, welcome to the "Z"!! But this probably should've been posted in the tech section. I agree with 90, never heard of any "history" like that...........if it were true, don't think we'd have many XJ owners singing their praises on here. I think you need to delve a little deeper. And $800 for a rear main seal???? I don't think the chick was the one who played you.

First off, welcome to the "Z"!! But this probably should've been posted in the tech section. I agree with 90, never heard of any "history" like that...........if it were true, don't think we'd have many XJ owners singing their praises on here. I think you need to delve a little deeper. And $800 for a rear main seal???? I don't think the chick was the one who played you.


your right Mud, I missed the thread hijack. Sorry TC.:redface:
Why don't you start a thread in the XJ tech forum and we can all jump in and figure out the problem with your oil leak.

Thank you all! This is my first Jeep product, I am telling you guys that I have been with this mechanic for over 15 years, and I really trust him. Many times I brought my cars in and he would give the car back and say, oh you just had a loose wire, no charge; or you don't need a new so and so you just had a loose bolt no charge, so that's why I tend to believe him. So no one out there has ever heard of this thing of Jeep eating up oil seals huh?He says its common on the 4.0, unless he just screwed up? Plus the chick I bought the thing from also had it done! I'll do the oil fill hand test and get back to you, but Are there any other theories or insights that you have any inkling of??