Finally ran Red Elephant Hill!


New member
There has been a trail in our area that I've never taken. I thought that last weekend would be a good time. I ran it on Sunday as there was a 4WheelParts Truckfest in town. That took our Saturday time.

Saturday started out great! Bright and shiny! Plenty of time to get lost while trying to find this elusive trail. Basic best instructions for this trail is to "Head North at every intersection and continue to go uphill."

Somewhat ambiguous and even more difficult to follow once you are on the trail.

As you can see by the bottom of this Google Earth map, we had to do some looking prior to finding the correct trail. One abortive attempt took us on a very narrow trail that we ended up turning back from just after taking this picture.

The Mighty YJ just barely fit between these two trees!

We had to back down to turn around. The edge of the trail was rocks with a very loose dirt in it. One had to be careful and believe in the spotter at this point. There was a pit mine right at the end of the trail at one point, that took your breath away as the rocks began to settle under the tires.

This trail is usually a one-way headed uphill. The reason is that it is steep and narrow. As vehicles headed uphill have the right of the way, it can be extremely difficult for vehicles headed downhill. We found that to be true.

We came up on a trail bike and an ATV. They were coming downhill. We got over as far as we could. They got by. We started up but started to slide to the passenger side. We had to get the winch ready and pulled ourselves out.
This picture was taken right after we used the winch.

We found the 2 guys again as we were airing up. The biker took two nasty falls as they headed back up. He did have a case of road rash.

It was a great trail and I would definitely ride it again!
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