Fiberglass tub,hood& fenders???


New member
I crunched my jeep :evil: Anybody ever installed a fiberglass tub,fender& hood?I was thinking about the extreme duty fiberglass or extreme duty kevlar kits from Quadratec any info would help :?

I've had a couple of their hoods(non-jeep) and a set of their Jeep fenders. I really like their stuff.
I've never run a fiberglass body, so I can't help you there.
You'll probably have to order/install the installation kit. There's all new hardware that you have to buy with the fiberglass kits such as hood latches and door striker pins... stuff like that. I've heard lots of positive things about fiberglass. It's so much easier to repair (they have fiberglass repair kits at walmart for cheap). That's really all I know. Good luck, and sorry to hear about the "compact" jeep. :shock:
sometime in my CJ's history a fiberglass tub,fenders,hood,and windshield frame was bought. Whoever changed this started with a very junky frame,so over time the body started to crack in places.
they also did not use washers on some bolts so I have small cracks around those.

I have recently taken the body off,repaired and made it stronger.I also replaced the frame.

here is my short fiberglass list

Make sure the frame is in good shape.
Use bigger washers on all bolts.
Any holes that are cut into the fiberglass,seal them so water cannot get between the 'glass.
consider putting a rollcage in it that attaches to the frame and side protection.
all wires that were grounded to the body/dash will have to be rewired.
fiberglass is very bad for your lungs! so use the correct face protection when cutting into it.
It is also very itchy. :D