FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now


Staff member
CNET learns the FBI is quietly pushing its plan to force surveillance backdoors on social networks, VoIP, and Web e-mail providers, and that the bureau is asking Internet companies not to oppose a law making those backdoors mandatory.

The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build in backdoors for government surveillance.

In meetings with industry representatives, the White House, and U.S. senators, senior FBI officials argue the dramatic shift in communication from the telephone system to the Internet has made it far more difficult for agents to wiretap Americans suspected of illegal activities, CNET has learned.

The FBI general counsel's office has drafted a proposed law that the bureau claims is the best solution: requiring that social-networking Web sites and providers of VoIP, instant messaging, and Web e-mail alter their code to ensure their products are wiretap-friendly.

"If you create a service, product, or app that allows a user to communicate, you get the privilege of adding that extra coding," an industry representative who has reviewed the FBI's draft legislation told CNET. The requirements apply only if a threshold of a certain number of users is exceeded, according to a second industry representative briefed on it.
The FBI's proposal would amend a 1994 law, called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA, that currently applies only to telecommunications providers, not Web companies. The Federal Communications Commission extended CALEA in 2004 to apply to broadband networks.

FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now | Security & Privacy - CNET News

What do you guys think? I'd consider myself a bit of a privacy advocate, and I'm not a big fan of excessive surveillance. On the other hand, I understand the need for court ordered wiretapping.

What's to stop them going in without a court order then? With the required code in place its as easy as flipping a switch. There has to be some sort of checks and balances in place to keep "them" in their place. You know we do have the right to talk about doing illegal modifications to our jeeps, without the government listening in.
*NOTE* to any F.B.I. agent listening right now my jeep is "street" legal, but Terrys isn't. Go after him....not me.
Wait... The article said this applies to any website that has more then a certain number of members... QUICK kick everyone out! Theres only room enough for a few of us!!!!

As intruding as it seems I don't mind it. It puts them between a rock and a hard place they do it they get flak. They do nothing, something happens they get flack. I have nothing to hide from anybody so look, but with that said they need some checks so ex-husbands and wives can spy on their ex or new boy/ girl friends.
If they do it of course there is a need for someone to keep an eye on the guys keepin an eye. So they will have group A to keep an eye on the public, then group B to keep an eye on group A. Will group A or B consist of persons in need of jobs? NO! even unemployed people with law enforcement, and computer backgrounds will be shut out by "NEW" education, and experience " REQUIREMENTS ". So who will get the jobs?? Friends and family of ones who are "IN". They'll be over paid and take lavish vacations and get multi hey add a zero raises and bonuses. Then they'll have nice blacked out suburbans picking up prostitutes out back of their offices! Lol probably not just a thought. Why do I always gotta be negative? Wonder where I ever got the idea that american officials would be that way?? Hmmm..... hey come to think of it I want a government job!!! To any FBI PEEPS LISTENING IN.... (In the words of a regular joe) I didnt mean it, "Y'all Hirin??"

as much as you laugh about your post, there is a fair amount of truth in it.

i have nothing to hide either but it bothers me because i know how crooked the government is, i see it multiple times daily. i could easily see that back door being misused by an overzealous person and lots of people getting screwed by someone trying to inflate his value or position's value.

they ought to make everyone do some active duty military time out of high school. then, we all keep weapons in our homes and everyone has the castle law that texas enjoys. that would help a lot. no one would try any dumb crap if they knew every house on the street had weapons and all the people who lived in them were trained to shoot and the law said they could shoot.
The problem I have with this is we as Americans have the right to privacy. People who break the law and are convicted of it should lose that right not us. Every time a law gets passed no matter how great and innocent it sounds a little bit of our freedom gets taken away. And I agree with super, not that it should be mandatory to join the service, that should be volunteer but get educated on how to use a weapon whether by family or professionals. You aren't going to take the babies candy if you know they can hit back.
There should be some type of control over things but I agree that it should have be a reasonable wiretapping. It should be court approved where the people doing the wiretapping have to prove a reason for doing it. Imagine the terrorist starting a forum here in US and plotting another 9/11 and nobody being able to monitor it. Unfortunately, the Government will overstep it's bondaries and abuse the system as it always does. I can fill all this thread with abuses by the Govrnment. They seem to forget that they are working for us, that our government should be "for the people, by the people". That concept is long gone now.

Imagine the terrorist starting a forum here in US and plotting another 9/11 and nobody being able to monitor it.

Why wouldn't they just start it overseas where the US laws don't apply? I think that's one of the main problem in making US laws to address global problems.
Because it will be easyier for them to conduct meetings and such from a US bases base than from abroad. I also feel that each country should have its own initials not just a .com like most of them do so it can be easily tracked by the country of origin. Believe me, I am tottaly for the government not to have the power to spy on us when not necessary but something needs to be done to keep track of what is going on. Imagine if every child molester will start his own forum and lure children to it. Wouldn't you want that to be stopped??. Then we shouldn't have any ID and everyone that comes here illegally should be able to blend in.... Why stop with the Internet. Again, this cuts against the grain of everything I believe in it there needs to be some type of ontology and rules. If not, people are going to abuse and we all pay the price. Because ididots drink until the are tottaly incapacitate to drive and kill people, we can't have few beers because we can lose our DL..... We as people are the cause for all these rules. I think that every hacke should be tried as a terrorist because they are committing acts of terror against innocent people. Hang one when you catch him/her and see what happens after that.... Just my two cents!