family loss


New member
It’s a though time for us now. My wife just lost her dad on Friday December 8. He was a man with a big heart and a helping hand for family and friends. He was like a dad to me.
He came here for 3 weeks in November to meet is new granddaughter and left with my wife and the baby to spend Thanksgiving with the family up in Connecticut. I had to stay here because of work. Over there, he was so happy to see both of his children and grand-children together. Janine’s dad played Santa since she was little and did it professionally for several years also. In the eyes of the children who knew him, he was the real deal.
The funny thing is that he owned an ice cream shop during the summer and was Santa for the holidays. Children believed the ice cream shop was Santa’s summer job! During Thanksgiving, he put on his Santa suit and took a picture with Lilyana. It will be the only picture of our daughter with her Grandpa Santa. It is a blessing and a great memory to keep. We were fortunate enough to be around him for the last part of his life since we only see him few times a year because we live in Florida. We will miss him greatly and keep him in our hearts forever.
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Re: family lost

I am so sorry for your loss. This is going to be a tough Christmas for you and your wife- we will keep you in our prayers. I am so grateful he got to see the baby and have their picture made- bless your hearts.
Re: family lost

My deepest heartfelt condolences on your loss. I lost my dad 3 1/2 years ago, and it seems like forever. I am glad you got to spend some good times with him recently before his passing. Cherish those memories. While they are still fresh in your mind, write down as much about those times and your wife's dad as you can remember, and save them for Lilyana so that she'll have an idea of what a joy her grandfather was, and so that she'll know him even though he is gone. My prayers are with you and your family. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Re: family lost

We'll keep you all in our prayers. Sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. This will be a hard Christmas for us, but we feel blessed to have had the time with him recently.