Expensive weekend


New member
So I towed my RV down the road a few hours to camp for the weekend. I actually had to work most of the weekend, but I planned to have the wife and kid meet me Sunday after work and we'd hang out for a while at the beach. Anyway, I'm cruising around Friday after work in my '03 Silverado and it starts making a very bad sound. Look down at the dash and see ZERO oil pressure. Immediately I park it and shut it down. Had it towed to the dealer yesterday and they found a broken oil pump driveshaft.......:shock: Hopefully, that's the worst of the damage. The mechanic said the bearings didn't looked scorched and there wasn't any metal pieces in the pan when they took it apart. Please do me a favor and think lots of happy thoughts! I need all the positive vibes I can get right now!

whoa, that sucks. i will think happy chevy motor thoughts for you in hopes that you turned it of in time

looks like it's all alright....well, except for the pump and the shaft. Hopefully, when they get it all back together and fire it up, it will purr like the kitten it is. I think I may have got away with it.