Engine fan hitting shroud...


New member
When the axles flex in opposite directions, my fan is contacting the shroud (and hopefully not the radiator itself) making a God-awful racket. At first I thought I blew the transmission or Xfer case, but I remembered this being fixed under warranty right after I bought the Jeep...used to do it whenever I made a hard turn.

Anyone else have this problem? Again, it only seems to happen when the vehicle is being twisted good over an obstacle.

Don't mind getting under the hood to fix or adjust the shroud, just don't want to make matters worse.

When I added a shround to 'Betty' I had to take my Dremel tool to cut access for the lower radiator hose and the drain petcock
An e-fan would be nice. How pricey?

And I hope to God it isn't a broken engine mount...guess I know what I'm doing first thing in the morning.
My e-fan was a grand $28 from the local U-Pick; just look for the mid 90's taurus with the 3.8L engine. You can run it with some relays (probably another $30~50 if you include wiring and switch) or with a temp probe; I run a Delta Current Control box that runs about $130 (FK-35, which is no longer available, but you can now get the FK-50), but there is a cheaper one now also available (2sp). You can check their web site here.

If it does turn out to be the motor mount, I am also runing brown dog industry's one, and they are TOUGH! Check that out here. Just be sure you get the soft rubber ones and not the poly if you want to stay away from vibrations... You can also get new ones that are much cheaper (and a bit softer).