Emissions Removal


New member
I have a 1978 cj5 with a 258 cid engine. I was wondering if I could remove the emission controls and how to go about it and if it would make run better and get better miliage. I get about 10 mpg and that seems a little low. I live in a Co. that doesnt require inspections so that wouldnt be a prob. If anyone has info I would appreciat the feed back
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Hey Gunny, you should be able to remove the emmissions. My jeep has none but with a change to electronic ignition, a better exaust and a deceny carb, I managed to get 14 out of mine
If you do remove it, make sure to hang onto it and not just pitch it in the trash.

Before I removed it though I'd do a few of the common updates like the TFI ignition upgrade. You should probably clean / rebuild the carb (if you don't replace it).

Do you Know what all I can remove safely? the canister , the little recirculating canister behind the back tire and do I just loop the two hosese at the tank ?It doesnt have a catalitic converter.
What exactly is a tfi ignition. My carb is the orig 1 bbl carter and probably could use a rebuild. or should I get a new different type? The egr is not hookeed up so I could take it off and make a plate to go over the hole. A lot of questions so bear with me and thanks a lot for the info.