Elvis has left the building.

L33TJ33P did not agree with my splitting a previous thread in two, as you may have read in "Best Action Pictures" and "Boston Dictionary".

I explained my reasoning to him through PM's and tried to come to a resolution to his strong feelings about my moderating that one post. This is what he has decided to do, on his own accord. I didn't want to leave anybody wondering in case he didn't catch this post again.

Jason don't let em get you down! True I see your point as to how much the post references have changed. Jeepen seems to be taken a second seat of late. This to will pass just ride out the storm not run from it. tug
Let me Explain without keeping ANYTHING private.

How it starts.

Boston and east coast posts have been split to a new thread, too much of a hijack on the age thread to follow. Check it out and post over there if it's not about your age.

My response:
Dood, Splitting the thread?? That isn't right. let the thread sit as it is. Sorry you couldn't "follow" it but no one else complained. Too many times have threads been "hi-jacked" to no avail, no splitting, no deleting.

Put it back the way you found it. I was actually having fun watching the post count.

Here is Where it went to PMs and should have been kept to the main view. This concerns everyone.

If you want to question something I do as a moderator, shoot me a PM and we'll make things straight. Just posting and telling me to "Put it back the way you found it" does nothing.

I don't appreciate the post.

My Response:

Appreciation has nothing to do with it. Questioning the reason behind your moderating that ONE thread is. I stand behind what I posted. I think you edited it for the wrong reasons and If I have to I will go to the board Owners I will.


You don't think that thread was hijacked (hijacked not being a bad thing, just better for everyone if it has it's own thread)?

Why do you think the software gives the ability to split threads?

If you think this is serious enough, you go to whomever you feel it's necessary to.

I still don't think it's right that you call me out on the forum, shoot me a PM and let's get it squared away like adults.

My response:

We all have our Opinions. I think it is silly to PM about something like this because it has to do with more than you and I. I don't know why nor do I care the Data-base has the Option to separate, it shouldn't be done. Again, MANY threads over the 7 months I have been here have been hi-jacked and no one said a word. Lock the Thing sure. "The post was getting to long, so, it is now closed," IF that had been stated in a TOS (Terms Of Service) or a ROC (Rules of Conduct). But to split it just because you are finding it "hard to follow" is abuse of power and should not be allowed to continue.


I did what I felt was best for jeepz.com, not what was best for me. I can't speak for what has or has not been done in the past. This thread was long, and had two obvious long subjects intertwined. I saw it in the best interest of the users as a whole and in the in the interest of effeciency to act as I did. It will not be undone by me. Again, you do what you feel you must.

Why are you the only one who feels strongly on this?

My Response:

apparently I am not the only one that feels this way. I have had other messages stating from other jeepz users saying they didn't like the split. It wasn't just me. Mainly I was pissed off that you picked up an attitude with me for mearly stating my Opinion. I didn't think it was right to split it. I will not be sending another PM because I don't think it is right to hide this issue.

Then again jeepz isn't a democracy is it. You moderators have all the say and it is a "I don't have to ask" attitude. I thought jeepz.com was above that but alas I am again proven wrong.


I didn't purposely pick up an attitude, so I apologize if you perceived one.

No, it's not a democracy and there is no such thing as free speech on a privately owned and operated forum.

I get the impression you have a problem with moderators in general and any action they take ("You moderators").

My response:

I am not going to even comment on this any longer. IMO it was a bad call on your part. I stand behind that. Never have I read on Jeepz that we are not allowed to have "long" threads, but you took it on your own whim to make it fit "your" wants. No one else was part of that decission. But after this time I am sure I will not be back. Moderate whatever you like.

Many times have I sat aside idle and watched many folk have issues with the Moderator in question. Nothing has been done.
What do you do when you are not happy with the service that you get at a given location? You leave.

So must I.
L33TJ33P said:
Let me Explain without keeping ANYTHING private.

Here is Where it went to PMs and should have been kept to the main view. This concerns everyone.

I reread our conversations and still don't see what I did wrong. You have differing opinions than I do, so what's wrong with that?

Jason c'mon.Dont leave because of one stupid thing.You are piece of these boards,and it would not be the same with you gone.
do what ya gotta do man, make sure its the right thing. if ya leavin , thanks for the time and effort ya put. im sure youve answered plenty of my dumb ass questions. :mrgreen:
WOW if one thread is causing this much trouble, maybe we should just delete the thread and get it over with. :shock:

Bounty Hunter is the moderator. Let him do it. I think this was blown WAY out of proportion. L33TJ33P, I think you should stay on, keep posting, and put this past us all. I'm pretty sure Bounty was just doing what was outlined for a moderator to do. The whole thread was interesting, but it started skipping back and forth and back again. What's a few clicks between friends???

Can't we all just get along.. :wink:

:shock: CRAZINESS!!! Jason, let it ride it would be pretty foolish to leave a great BB to go somewhere that just doesn't even compare to jeepz.com. beleive me i have been on many other boards, and this is the only place where everyone is always welcome, no matter what. sometime unwanted people come in but they soon figure out what this BB is all about. and they change their tune. Stick it out brother but the choice is yours. Good luck and God Bless.


It seems pretty foolish to me that this "issue" has caused a thread this long. I see no problem in a thread being split into two threads in order to make it easier to read without loosing the focus of the topic and having to re-read pages of posts. I don't recall any posts just being randomly deleted or anything extreme like that. :roll: But if that's going to make you leave, then I say goodbye and good luck with your Jeep 8)

-Nick :!:

Hey Sully....

Come back J! I need help from all of you, with my newbie self. :(
Speaking as a member, I hate to see posts split. Speaking as a moderator, sometimes it needs to be done. Bounty was right in splitting the post and I will stand by his decision 100%. Overall this whole thing HAS been blown WAYYYYYYY out of proportion, but it is no reason for any member to leave JEEPZ.com. I've been here for well over 2 years now (moderator for over 1 year) and have seen more than my share of problems, including ones such as this. Why argue over such a petty thing. It's not like he stole your rig or something. :lol:
I am not sure I need to add some thing here since I believe the whole issue is/was blown out of purportion.
I started the action pic thread in a diffrent thread by saying maybe we should post the best action pics ect ect to stop an age old argument that cant be settled ...the old CJ, YJ, TJ thing.
As the thread took off I watched the other die and was happy I had been able to avoid those with hotter feelings over that issue from blowing there stack. It was a simple plan and everyone was happy to follow the lead.

Now we are fighing over a moderators decision to split a thread...come on all this isnt a life or death thing. It's simple thread split...it will not kill us.

When we all signed up we all passed that little page at terms of servise...many here did what I did and read it others just passed it up and started posting.
The moderator was right and within his own right as a moderator to split the thread. That is his job among other things and I can and will live with his decision.
This board provides a place to ask questions and is a discussion group.
Some times jeeps are not that...but an open discussion group where moderators are there to keep the discussion going in the right direction.
If they must butt in and say can we return to this topic or what ever that is his function. On a chat board he keeps the threads the same way by splitting them. We will all wake up tomorrow and go on with our lifes, we can all live with it

I think we can all live with it and let this issue drop. What is done is done. Get over it now.

L33TJ33P I am sorry to see you go, your insights have provided some very deep thoughts from my end. You will be sorely missed.

Well put! There are much more important things to worry about. Like for instance how a rooster can lay a brown egg :lol:
I agree that this has been blown out of proportion. L33TJ33P had strong feelings and he let them be known. I 'splained myself to him. Now let's get back to action pics and East Coast accents :lol:

L33TJ33P, I would like to see you stay, you've been a valuable member of this board for too long.