Looking to install a Taurus electric fan in my YJ, anybody know of any good controllers besides the parts-store cheapies? Haven't had any luck with those lasting.
Are you looking for an adjustable unit or one that comes on when the temp hits 190 or 210?
Napa has one of each. I don't trust Autozone for anything electrical. Most of their electrical is junk.
You could just put an in-line fuse on there and run it to an ignition hot source at the fuse block.
I have a plastic flex-a-lite and an additional electric fan that comes on with the ignition. It still gets a little warm under trail abuse.
I can't find the part number in all my old notes. You can call Napa and see if they can figure it out. Quadratec sells the Be Cool brand for $70. That's kind of high though.
A also have a toggle switch on the dash to cut mine off if it's cool outside and while the engine warms.
I would suggest looking into one of the plastic mechanical fans like I was talking about before as well. They push 30% more air and only cost like $18 from Summit, Jegs or Seco.