Dubya's Brains

I am not too happy that Osama is back on the scene with a new tape. Remember I fly overseas next Friday. Sigh. I flew a couple of days after 9/11 too. I am always in the middle of worry I swear!

LadyJeepFreak said:
I am not too happy that Osama is back on the scene with a new tape. Remember I fly overseas next Friday. Sigh. I flew a couple of days after 9/11 too. I am always in the middle of worry I swear!


Maybe Kerry can sit down with his UN buddies and have a chat with ole Bin Laden and have a nice meeting. You know, something like "we'll let the UN run our country for us so you Muslim Extremists can blow us up at your convenience"
As for being rich enough to be a Republican, my family and I live below the poverty level and I can't afford to vote for Kerry; I'm giving the parasites a third of my paycheck now and that won't be enough for the tax king.

LadyJeepFreak said:
I am not too happy that Osama is back on the scene with a new tape. Remember I fly overseas next Friday. Sigh. I flew a couple of days after 9/11 too. I am always in the middle of worry I swear!


Let's see...correct me if I'm wrong. 9/11 - Osama - Bush says we're gonna get 'im. So......why is it we're in Iraq?????
Mud4feet wrote:

Let's see...correct me if I'm wrong. 9/11 - Osama - Bush says we're gonna get 'im. So......why is it we're in Iraq?????

Did you forget already or did tug not tell you that Bush is a stupid moron?

Would you expect him to actually go after Bin Laden?
When he could let the Russians take 480 million tons of explosives into Syria and sell them back to terrorist (which Bush gets a cut of the profit) to blow the legs off of our little children who bravely serve in the US Armed Forces?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
90Xjay said:
When he could let the Russians take 480 million tons of explosives into Syria and sell them back to terrorist (which Bush gets a cut of the profit) to blow the legs off of our little children who bravely serve in the US Armed Forces?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only people I've seen crying for our military are the liberal left who all hate the military and want us to hold hands, sing kum bya, and think if we leave the middle east alone the terrorists will just go away. My Grandfather is a retired air force captain who flew B29's over Japan, my father is a retired army col. who served in vietnam, my uncle is a retired air force general who served in vietnam and korea. All of these men still have contact with active duty service people and NOT ONE of these active service people are against what we are doing in Iraq. Their biggest concern is "are the people back home still with us?" and sadly there are too many stinking hippies who think there is always a peaceful solution to everything. The morale of our troops isn't being helped by all the people who are saying what they are doing over there is useless and unnessesary. Anyone who thinks Iraq didn't have WMD is an idiot. How hard is it to hide canisters of bio weapons in a desert? You dig a hole, bury the stuff, then in true saddam fashion shoot all the workers so no one can point a finger to the chache. Other countries that don't like us also have these weapons, but they don't have a homicidal maniac running the show like Iraq did. He was just as much a threat as OBL. I'd done with the politic threads until after the election.

wm69 said:
The only people I've seen crying for our military are the liberal left who all hate the military and want us to hold hands, sing kum bya, and think if we leave the middle east alone the terrorists will just go away. My Grandfather is a retired air force captain who flew B29's over Japan, my father is a retired army col. who served in vietnam, my uncle is a retired air force general who served in vietnam and korea. All of these men still have contact with active duty service people and NOT ONE of these active service people are against what we are doing in Iraq.

Okay, I've got to weigh in here...

I am an Air Force Captain (current inactive reserve...former active), my father is a retired Air Force Colonel, many of MY friends and associates and many of MY classmates (from the U.S Air Force Academy) are currently Majors, Colonels, Generals, etc...some of whom are in or recently came back from Iraq. Firstly, it is ridiculous to think the military mindset is singularly behind Bush . It is not. Even at some of the highest levels, there is animosity toward Bush. It is also ILLEGAL to for any active miliatary member to speak in an openly negative manner, when active and/or serving in an official capacity, about anyone in their chain of command...up to and including (especially) the President.

The military wants to do their job and wants to do it well...that is and has almost always been its culture. However, many wihtin the active duty military are not particularly thrilled with the president's strategic direction...and that's putting it nicely.

I will not debate this. Only offering another perspective that you should be aware of before suggesting that the entire U.S. military agrees with your perspective.
Ouch...cracked rib

The polls I've seen range from 75% to 80% for Bush for military personnel, ranging from private on up the ladder.

Scare, yes. Tactic, sure (this is a political race). Problem is it is true that Bin Laden does not want Bush re-elected. Why? 75% of his al quida leadrs are dead. He prefers the president with the "global test(icle)"
TwistedCopper said:
........ Problem is it is true that Bin Laden does not want Bush re-elected..........

Good to know someone knows what he's thinking......could you, like, maybe, tell us WHERE HE IS so we could knock him off?!?!?!?! That'd sure be a political coup!!! (Sorry, Twisted.....don't mean to offend, I've just had it up to my eyeballs with all this political shite....can't wait for the election to be over, best of luck to whoever wins, and let's get that S.O.B. Bin Laden!!)

Twisted, Sully, Who Cares, all you Republican guys and or gals! I only have one thing after it is all said and done!!!! "I Love You Guys and Gals" Not only are you Americans who stand tall for what you believe and back Your beliefs to the bitter end. You are Jeepers, fellow members of the Jeepz.com Family. You allow me and the other Yellow Dogs to be in You family and or except to be in ours. We fight and turn right around and laugh together. But in the end at the end of the day we still get along...... Kind of sounds like family to me. We are going to fight but no one from outside had better fight even the newest member unless they want trouble from us all. The Debates here are fun and get your juices flowing and it takes guts to not only wright your view but to read the views of others just backwards from your own. If any one of you were to say "Something Marjor just happened and it is do or die for me and my family" We would all do what ever we could to help out. I have requested prayer and got it I have been able to pray for some of you as well. This is as good as it gets folks. Republicans Democrats Libatarians Greenies what ever I am proud to be part of this site and to know something about you all. tug
mud4feet said:
TwistedCopper said:
........ Problem is it is true that Bin Laden does not want Bush re-elected..........

Good to know someone knows what he's thinking......could you, like, maybe, tell us WHERE HE IS so we could knock him off?!?!?!?! That'd sure be a political coup!!! (Sorry, Twisted.....don't mean to offend, I've just had it up to my eyeballs with all this political shite....can't wait for the election to be over, best of luck to whoever wins, and let's get that S.O.B. Bin Laden!!)

Okay, um, did you see that video? The man basically said that Bush and Bush Sr. were the main reason for the world trade center attacks, in part because the USA supposedly okay'ed an attack from Isreal.

Okay, um, have you been watching the news? I am not trying to read the guy's mind, nor do I have the gift of prophesy or a crystal ball, but George Bush has led this country through 9/11 to the current day with strong determination to kill/capture terrorists. We got hit and we came back and punched them right in the mouth again and again and again. We will continue to do so and he knows it. It's not guesswork or being psychic - it is common sense.
TwistedCopper said:
mud4feet said:
TwistedCopper said:
........ Problem is it is true that Bin Laden does not want Bush re-elected..........

Good to know someone knows what he's thinking......could you, like, maybe, tell us WHERE HE IS so we could knock him off?!?!?!?! That'd sure be a political coup!!! (Sorry, Twisted.....don't mean to offend, I've just had it up to my eyeballs with all this political shite....can't wait for the election to be over, best of luck to whoever wins, and let's get that S.O.B. Bin Laden!!)

Okay, um, did you see that video? The man basically said that Bush and Bush Sr. were the main reason for the world trade center attacks, in part because the USA supposedly okay'ed an attack from Isreal.

Okay, um, have you been watching the news? I am not trying to read the guy's mind, nor do I have the gift of prophesy or a crystal ball, but George Bush has led this country through 9/11 to the current day with strong determination to kill/capture terrorists. We got hit and we came back and punched them right in the mouth again and again and again. We will continue to do so and he knows it. It's not guesswork or being psychic - it is common sense.

What Tug said.....I can't say it any better. And you, Twisted, are a great example of a good American!

Tug-n-pull said:
Twisted, Sully, Who Cares, all you Republican guys and or gals! I only have one thing after it is all said and done!!!! "I Love You Guys and Gals" Not only are you Americans who stand tall for what you believe and back Your beliefs to the bitter end. You are Jeepers, fellow members of the Jeepz.com Family. You allow me and the other Yellow Dogs to be in You family and or except to be in ours. We fight and turn right around and laugh together. But in the end at the end of the day we still get along...... Kind of sounds like family to me. We are going to fight but no one from outside had better fight even the newest member unless they want trouble from us all. The Debates here are fun and get your juices flowing and it takes guts to not only wright your view but to read the views of others just backwards from your own. If any one of you were to say "Something Marjor just happened and it is do or die for me and my family" We would all do what ever we could to help out. I have requested prayer and got it I have been able to pray for some of you as well. This is as good as it gets folks. Republicans Democrats Libatarians Greenies what ever I am proud to be part of this site and to know something about you all. tug

Here's to you, Tug, and everyone else in our jeepin family. If help is needed, then everybody helps. If advice is needed, then everybody chips in. If something controversial comes up, not only do we see both sides, but at the end of the day, about 300 or so , and then we all retire to help each other out again! :)

And may I say Happy Halloween to all of my very frightening Jeepz family :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, I kill myself! 8)

Here Here Tug! I couldn't have said it better! This place is wonderful and full of a great diverse group of fellow jeepers! Saurian, you kill me too man! lol

AC compressor woes....

Yes the debates in this forum do show many differing veiws, but it is very true that we all share a common bond, and a common interest. Not only the "jeeper code" that Tug so very well described, but as I have said before to Mingez, we all really just want what is best for our country. I never doubt that fact. Many of us share differing views on what paths we should take, but the desired results are mostly the same. These views are a good representation of the differing views nationwide. We are a very well represented forum :) Although none of us will see things turn out exactly as we would like them to, fair comprimises will be the end result as they always have. This is what self government is about.

Whatever happens Tuesday, whichever candidates become elected, remember as I will that they are there as a result of the will of this nation's people and support them. I always hated to see bumper stickers that said "Clinton is not my president" or "re-defeat Bush". Criticize them if you feel it necessary, but accept them as your elected officials. If I can call John Kerry my president, you can do it too (or Bush). It may not be easy to do, but it makes the country stronger.
I will support either one with my prayers and encourage anyone who takes a knee on a daily basis to do the same.

Well I guess the political talk will take a backseat now that the election is upon us. This is a good thing as it has made for some touchy subjects here on Jeepz. I think it is healthy though and it is refreshing to see so many passionate about the country - especially the younger folks.

May the candidates that will best serve the offices win, and may they serve with honor and work toward a peaceful existance.
mingez said:
I change my mind...I'm votin' GW.

Mingez.......you okay man?

If this is true, what made you see the light? I mean, I'm not a huge Bush fan either, but Kerry just isn't a doable option during this time. He would probably do fine(as in not srew up too much) under simpler times, but not with things going on like we have now.
Junkpile said:
mingez said:
I change my mind...I'm votin' GW.

Mingez.......you okay man?

If this is true, what made you see the light? I mean, I'm not a huge Bush fan either, but Kerry just isn't a doable option during this time. He would probably do fine(as in not srew up too much) under simpler times, but not with things going on like we have now.

C'mon dood. I'd have put a sarcastic emoticon next to that last one, but there isn't one. :lol:

I just went back and read the other posts in this thread, because I wanted to see what made you have this severe change of heart....... :lol:

Okay, you got me. I just opened up the thread and saw that statement and had to ask.
Hear Hear Twisted wrote:

Whatever happens Tuesday, whichever candidates become elected, remember as I will that they are there as a result of the will of this nation's people and support them. I always hated to see bumper stickers that said "Clinton is not my president" or "re-defeat Bush". Criticize them if you feel it necessary, but accept them as your elected officials. If I can call John Kerry my president, you can do it too (or Bush). It may not be easy to do, but it makes the country stronger.
I will support either one with my prayers and encourage anyone who takes a knee on a daily basis to do the same.

Rock on my jeeping friend! I too will support our elected leader whoever he/she may be! That's all we can do as a proud american, support our country and it's leaders!
