Well I was on my way home from work today, left a little early, real nice weather, take a turn and BAMM my rear U-Join disinigrated and the drive shaft looped around and dented the floor boards and the muffler (which is already beat up from tree stumps.) Now this all happens in dorchester. If you don't know boston, this is like compton! Mad gangsters, lots of guns, not nice place (at least where I was) so I pulled the drive shaft off, I carry a spare U-joint but I didn't have new straps (they got all mangled) and I didn't have a hammer or press to remove the POS autozone $5 u-joint! So I used two trash bags and duct tape to seal up the slip yoke to get me home! By the way it is a 25 mile drive to my house from there! Well I got home, Damage report!
Need new pinion shaft yoke (this is not the forst time it has happened and the yoke was pretty beat)
Drive shaft bent.
Need new straps, Got Spicer
Need U-joint Again I am using spicer, I will leave My spare autozone joint as a emergency spare!
About a quart of ATF
I had to go to jpb #2 so I ran out of time to finish the fix!, just need to put in the new u-joint. The saddest part is, I ordered my SYE about three hours before this happened!!
Need new pinion shaft yoke (this is not the forst time it has happened and the yoke was pretty beat)
Drive shaft bent.
Need new straps, Got Spicer
Need U-joint Again I am using spicer, I will leave My spare autozone joint as a emergency spare!
About a quart of ATF
I had to go to jpb #2 so I ran out of time to finish the fix!, just need to put in the new u-joint. The saddest part is, I ordered my SYE about three hours before this happened!!