Dozer or Crush?

The Hellbilly

New member
I've read ALOT of articles about how "Dozer" is an ugly color for the 2012 Wrangler (my Wrangler is Dozer, check my profile pic), I love the color, I like yellow Wranglers & orange Wranglers, Dozer is the perfect blend of both, I think that's what drew me to it. What do you guys/girls think?

Jeep® O|||||||O


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It just dont make it in my opinion,either color,fine for a sports car. but for a jeep no way. Unless there is a good reason for haveing it that color,search and rescue missions where as you can be easily spotted from the air ,or your own personal prefrence. I am not into loud colors for a jeep myself,but then again I am a trail rider and avid outdoorsmen. If ya like it to heck with others opinion, go for it.
University of Texas (Longhorn) orange isn't bad. Even though I am a Texas Christian University (Horned Frog) alum...I don't care much for purple either.

Anyway, the color of a Jeep won't make it perform any better. :shades:

As long as ya cover it with mud,dozer looks better. [ I mean totally covered]

I'm also a die-hard Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan ( since 1984), maybe that's also why the color appealed to me......

Jeep® O|||||||O


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The Hellbilly said:
I'm also a die-hard Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan ( since 1984), maybe that's also why the color appealed to me......

Jeep® O|||||||O

haha yeah! my dad has a few of their old helmets and stuff around the house, i love that color, i could even see my cherokee in that color

says the person with the bright purple jeep in his profile pic lol


here is another shade for ya lol
sunburst orange on my moms 2009