Done with for Good

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Whatever.......we'll be here if you change your mind.

I had the same thought one time.......I'm glad that TC changed my mind. I had a lot of things going on in my life then and took it out on something stupid here on Jeepz. Please remember that this is more of a family than a website - we've all pulled together and given of ourselves to help each other in times of need.

Maybe things got a little carried away, oh well, nobody's bleeding, let's get over it......we ARE adults here.

Can someone just delete the entire thread that started this since the original FOR SALE posting was deleted by the poster? (say THAT 3 times fast) This whole event was a blemish on Jeepz and not an image I'd like to see conveyed to future members or families.

MY .02

You know what, you're right. TC sent me a nice little email the other night that really changed my mind about a lot of things. As a matter of fact, after reading that email, I've decided to stick around afterall. Thanks, TC. If it weren't for your thoughtful words and heartfelt sincerity in that email, I never would have come back.

I have spent the past few days reading back over posts from before I was a member, and I've discovered something interesting. There were fights and personal attacks and thread derailments on Jeepz long before I ever got here. Kinda discounts the theory that all of the problems associated with Jeepz are because of me, huh? But, that's ok. Those of you who had the balls to kick me when you thought I was gone (but not while I was still an active member :roll: ) can go ahead and blame it all on me. I can handle it now that I'll be back, and you've got TC to thank for bringing me back!8)

From Saurian's "Quandary" thread:

TwistedCopper said:
We used to be able to have discussions that were politically charged or had varying opinion on Jeepz, without a catalyst to destroy it.

Interesting to speak in the past tense on this. You joined 6 months before I did, and I saw nothing in the way of politically charged discussions in that six months. But that's all in the past, after your email. Thanks so much for sending that, I just don't know how I can thank you for getting me to come back here again. (00)

So, in the meantime, I'm gonna keep lurking around, and keep reading up on back issues of Jeepz BS (that's "Before Sparky" for those of you who don't know). The arguments, name calling, and fights in that era were just as though they were plucked right from today's front page of! :-)

Again, TC, thanks for your great email, and thanks for giving me a reason to come back to Jeepz! 8)


Everyone needs to remember that this is supposed to be a family oriented web-site. Please try to be adults and curb your language and behavior. If you must post a picture which may be disturbing to some people, please link to it with a warning instead of putting it directly on the page.

Don't get me wrong......I'm a crude, foul-mouthed, dirty-minded man but I at least try to make the board an enjoyable experience for everyone here.

GROW UP....and I'm not talking to just one person here, I'm talking to anyone who needs to be reminded.

Gotta say, Jeepz is pretty addicting and I totally understand someone not being able to leave it, nor should anyone have to unless they are totally way out of line. Everyone will argue and debate and emails don't always quite come out the way you want them to but foregiveness goes along way. Just my humble opinion. 90, you watching that Tropical Depression? I am, our lakes are still 35 feet over pool.
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