Done and done


New member
Well its offical they took the money. The very last payment on the Jeep has been made.
Now for the hard part with all this extra cash, what am I gonna do. I have a huge wishlist it's gonna odd actually being able to afford it now. LOL.
I just wanted to say its f&@$;*# finally done.


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Keep the payments the same, just change the name on the check to Quadratec ;)
Well the Jeep is having her coming out "of hock" party and she is registered. She says she just wants new tires, rims, cool bumpers, body armor, and more lights perhaps a light bar or a roof rack. Ohhh and she wants a new top too.
LOL its so nice. Really looking forward to spending that money now.

Man, that is such a great feeling when you send that final payment off. After I paid off mine I set up an auto payment of the same amount to go into savings. It adds up quick.

this is a jeep that I've been working on with the owner.. 7 more payments and it is his.. we are so tempted to send these pics to the bank with the last payment


Keep the payments the same, just change the name on the check to Allen's Offroad ;)

^^^ edited for accuracy. :D

Where the money goes from here, should really depend on where you want her to be in the next year, two years, 5 years! What is your driving primarily? What type of wheeling do you do or want to do? If you can put the money in a savings, as if you were paying the monthly still, until you can afford to spend it once for the direction of the build, do that (though not as much fun).

Congratulations on the clear title. I am sure it feels totally great to have her paid off. You'll probably even sleep better. If you can sleep instead of laying awake thinking about how to spend all the new found cash!


I just paid my 2006 off 2 months ago and I tell you what I went crazy but now its my dream jeep and not sure what to do now? Considering getting a 2011 Grand Cherokee. But til then just save my money:???:

Man, I can hardly wait to get mine paid off.
I can't believe it's still another year before I get it done. Luckily, when you get old, time FLIES!
Yeah it seems like yesterday i took her home for the first time. That first weekend we logged like 1000 miles. Now she's sitting at 82k. We are getting to have as much fun as we used too.
Only cause I work from home now.
I'm still trying to decide how i am gonna outfit her. She was a daily driver but with summer i ride the scooter when i need to go anywhere.
I am kinda leaning towards mainly cosmetic stuff for her right now. Fixing the body rust and adding some armor and possibly a roof rack.
its got rust already? man, you guys have lots of salt in the winter or something?

congratulations on the pay off though, that is sweet that you now have a free and clear 2003 wrangler