Difficulty shifting into reverse


New member
Hi all I have another question about my 98 TJ.

I have been struggling for awhile now with shifting my jeep into reverse, it would take me a couple of tries before it would go.

It has become worse within the past year.

Now in order to get it into reverse I have to turn off the engine put it into reverse and then start it up again... no problems shifting into other gears... I have been told it is the clutch but others have said that it can not be if all else is working fine...

What do you think?

Try shifting into other gears then reverse then see if it still does it.
I would suspect that the culprit would be in the Gear cluster particularly the Reverse idler gear if the difficulty only occurs in reverse and not in any of the forward gears. If it was a clutch issue, you would have difficulty shifting in any gears specially in first gear at a stop.
Shift to 4th gear, then right into reverse. If you do it quickly without grinding, it should go right in every time.