Different CJ5 Problems


New member
I recently did a complete restoration of my 1977 CJ5, went with the fiberglass body due to money blah.... Anyways, my master cylinder leaks a bit and I was wondering if the fiberglass body would have anything to do with it. I installed new brake lines and have now put two master cylinders on it. Also, everytime I shut the jeep off I get a backfire after it has been ran for around 15 min's or more, but as long as I don't go over like 30 mph then it doesn't do it, and if I stop and let it run for about 5 minutes before I shut it off then it doesn't do it either. Any help would be appreciated, oh yeah, the timing is dead on. Thanks

Is the master cylinder leaking around the lid? If so, i hear the fix is just to put an extra gasket on the lid to make it extra thick down there. It should take a little umph to get it fixed down but it should fix it. I had the same problem with the '79 CJ7 that I had. It was leaking around the lid but I never got around to fixing it before i sold so im not sure if the fix works. About the backfiring, maybe the advance is sticking. Is it vaccume or mechanical advance? Hope this helps.

It looks as if it is leaking around the lid, but it is running down the inside of the firewall also. Not a steady stream but it leaves stains to where you can see it. Also, where could I get another gasket from? About the advance, I believe it is vaccume, but honestly I couldn't tell ya'. And if I put a timing gun on my engine the advance seems to be working fine? But I honestly don't know. Thanks though, i'll try to find a way to make a gasket or something.