Dies with out warning


New member
We posted this problem before at the end i will go over what I have done with none of it fixing the problem. I have a 2.5L, '95. It will start up just fine but then die without any warning signs. No spitting or sputtering...it just dies. I've looked under the hood and can't see anything obviously wrong. It ranges from hard wheeling for three hours to 17 seconds of run time. I only have to wait for about a minute or less for it to fire right back up again. So far I have replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, the alternator(6 months ago), and he's got a low temp thermostat in(160) I have now replaced the idle air control valve, TPS and crank shaft position sensor. After I replaced the TPS it ran great for a day and took it out in the mudd for about 4 hours. No problems what so ever. Pulled into the driveway and it started all over again. Bumps dont cause it to die, ruling out a loose wire. Doesn't matter if it's wet or dry. Also I havent been able to recreate a scenario that makes it die , just seems to do it when it wants to. Any help would be great before I put a bullet in it

possible ignition coil getting hot causing the coil to short. works when coil cools down-air flow sensor needle recieving a bad signal (drop of water on needle) might happen after getting in water-plugged cat causing back pressure or o2 sensor wiring broken-efi harness melted on muffler causing a short (should still get a check engine light)-brain.

when it stops does it have a spark?
if it has a spark and you give it a small sniff of starting fluid does it sound willing to start?
what error codes are stored by efi computer?

after years of working on cars the worst problem is the one that comes and goes. always nicer when it just fails. i hope this helps
When it dies it has spark right away and the fuel press is ok. The thing that gets me is it doesn’t hiccup stutter or anything just dies. Almost like spark or fuel is getting shut off for a second or two That’s why I did the fuel pump first.