Decide to repaint the XJ


New member
So after the last comp, I managed to crack up a fender. I got to thinking since I had some laquer paint laying around. I had originaly painted it blue and red with plans to do like a spiderman theme anyways so I started playing with the hood since it would be easy to go back on anyways and ended up with this.



My son wanted me to do this for the longest time and he really loves it so I am gonna go ahead and do the rest of it also




Hey man, that's pretty slick!

Did you you tape and then spray that design, or do it with a brush?
I put a black base coat down first, then tape off the web design with fine lie tape, spray the red, peel the tape and clear coat it, in one of the pics you can see the nose is black still, I have to align the hood before I can continue the pattern onto it