Death of a Friend

I was on such a high yesterday after pulling the two vehicles out of the mud, then today got crushed. A friend was helping his son pull his pickup and trailer out of a ditch just east of town yesterday evening and the tractor flipped over backwards on him and killed him. Ron was only 52, just a little more than 11 years older than me and a great guy. The entire community is in shock. Of course, his son, Dustin, thinks it was his fault now because his dad was helping him because he got stuck doing something stupid. It'll be a long recovery for Dustin before he feels right about himself again. Wish I'd been there with my Jeep. May have gotten him out without having to use the tractor, and Ron might still be alive......ya just never know. Say a prayer for the family of Ron Porter, ok? They need lots of them right now. :cry:

RE: Horrible Roll Over

That sucks Sparky, sorry to hear about your loss.
Your friend and his family are in our prayers. Death Sucks. I'm not sure who said it or the exact quote but it goes along the lines of "I do not fear death, but the manner in which I die"
Sorry to hear that sparky, I will say a prayer for your friend. Not long ago My friend lost his 7 year old son in a car accident that was his fault, healing takes a long time. Your friend needs alot of support right now. I wish him the best.

Yeah, Sparky, I'm 52...............makes ya' think. Sucks really bad for the kid.....hope he can come to grips with it (we all know it wasn't his fault....but HE needs to know that). LIfe is great and life sucks....all at the same time. Your friends family is in our prayers.
Wow, that's just terrible. Dustin will need much support. I know where he's coming from (similar situation here) and that kind of guilt isn't easily reckoned with. I don't know how close you are to him, but he'll need as much support and reassurance that it wasn't really his fault - from everyone.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of the deceased.