Cut out fender flare question.


New member
I'm wondering if I were to install a set of cut out fender flares if that would give me enough room for 33's...this way I wouldn't have to do a temporary body lift till I can afford my spring over. Right now I have a 2 1/2" spring lift and the revolver shackles give it another 3/4". I fit 31's no problem, 32's will fit but will rub with every little bump I go over. The height of the tires isn't that much of a problem, it's the tightest fitting at the ends (or bottoms) of the flares if you know what I mean. How much more room will cut outs give me both at the top and ends of the flares? I eventually want the cut out's anyway.

It should give you about an inch I believe, which if I added right should be fine for 33's.
Save your money and put TJ flares on there! I had real bad rubbing, got a set of flares off ebay for short cash, cut them on, and they look killer, plus I have NO RUBBING. with your lift, and tj flares, you can run 33" tires with minimal rubbing under full flex!
TJ flares look a lot better, and allow more sheetmetal to be trimmed that does cutting back the YJ flares. You'll be able to run 33" with that setup. I could clear 33" with 2.5" lift and TJ flares, and now clear 34" or 35" tires with 3.5" suspension, 1" body, and TJ flares.

I think I'm still gonna go the temporary 3" bodylift route instead of flares. I don't want to waste my money on TJ flares because I'm eventually going to need the cutouts anyway when I eventually go up to 35's. TJ flares won't cover enough of the tire with the amount of offset I want for the wheels I'm going to put the 35's on. I can only have about 1" max sticking out the sides of the flares or I'll get hassled all the time by the police....last thing I need is a vehicle inspection. I'm just gonna wait and buy the cutouts eventually along with the 35's. I'd love to get the cutouts now but I'm going to be buying a townhouse sometime in the next few months.
Craig said:
I don't want to waste my money on TJ flares because I'm eventually going to need the cutouts anyway when I eventually go up to 35's. TJ flares won't cover enough of the tire with the amount of offset I want for the wheels I'm going to put the 35's on.
Accually they will, if you get the flares off of a rubicon, sahara, apex or freedom edition TJ, the flares a 5 inches wide as opposed to the regulare 3.5 found on sports and se's.

As for wasting money, cut out flares will cost you well over $200. I was having this conversation with Joopin this weekend, he has the pocket flares and paid about that much, I don't recall the exact $#, I have sahara flares that I got dirt cheap used, about $80 shipped, and they removed more material, and cover just as wide as his do.
Or you could go all out and get those really ugly 6 inch wide flares from bushwacker. I have a TJ(sahara)sitting outside with 35's and they dont stick out that much. The ires are 12 inches wide.