credit card number stolen....


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talk about something sucking...

My wife brought me the credit card statement today and asked if I knew about these charges. Two of them were at an internet electronics place and one to somewhere we couldn't figure out and another one to Banana Republic?

almost a couple hundred total. I called the electronics place and asked what I was supposed to have bought and they said, that they had suspected fraud and were looking into it and planned to cancel the pending shipment.

I called my CC company, Capitol One, it seems like they are going to get on top of it and I will be cleared totally.

Only thing is that we shred every single piece of trash we throw out like that and we have only used the card once over the phone at Sears catalog and one other place in town, for a total of 2 times over the last month. The rest of the time, the card stays in my wallet, how in the He*l did someone jack up my card then?

These stinking turds sit around all day thinking how to screw up a working guy.:x

The crazy thing is to use it you need an expiration date...

That's kind of freaky.

Someone stole my eBay account once. I would have never known, but I got an email from eBay advising a password change, then another with an email change.

Whoever it was listed like $10K worth of cell phones. Fortunately I picked up on it before any transactions happened.

To this day I don't know how they got the info.

Makes you want to change every password, account # and username you have, doesn't it?
wow, that sucks. so they needed a new computer and some expensive clothing from banana republic, bet they were going to sell it on e-bay using twisteds account.
The crazy thing is to use it you need an expiration date...

That's kind of freaky.

Someone stole my eBay account once. I would have never known, but I got an email from eBay advising a password change, then another with an email change.

Whoever it was listed like $10K worth of cell phones. Fortunately I picked up on it before any transactions happened.

To this day I don't know how they got the info.

Makes you want to change every password, account # and username you have, doesn't it?
Giving up your eBay username and password is easier than you'd think

I once got a spoof email saying that "Ebay Security" suspected fraud on my account and I needed to log in and verify all of my data.

I clicked the link on the email to log in and it looked almost 100% like the eBay log in, but my computer didn't fill in the username because no cookie had been preset to that page.

I almost began typing away and my gut told me to stop.
I looked at the address on the link that shows up at the top of the page when you hover the mouse over a hyper link and it was not

Jackarses spend all day trying to steal from us.

The crazy thing is to use it you need an expiration date...

That's kind of freaky.

Someone stole my eBay account once. I would have never known, but I got an email from eBay advising a password change, then another with an email change.

Whoever it was listed like $10K worth of cell phones. Fortunately I picked up on it before any transactions happened.

To this day I don't know how they got the info.

Makes you want to change every password, account # and username you have, doesn't it?

Well, my wife had given all of that to a customer service lady at a call center when she ordered some crap from Sears last month, maybe she took it and sold it to someone else. It would be easy to do.

Crooked bastids..
Really sucks, 90! Same thing happened to me a while back...............I'd suspect someone at the Sears store or some employee at the other place you used it. I was living in the mountains (Western NC) and used my card ONCE in Raleigh - to get my son a motel room. Was pretty easy to trace that one!

BTW..............I really hate thieves.........................and I'm pretty much done with credit cards - they've brought me nothing but grief.
Giving up your eBay username and password is easier than you'd think

I once got a spoof email saying that "Ebay Security" suspected fraud on my account and I needed to log in and verify all of my data.

I clicked the link on the email to log in and it looked almost 100% like the eBay log in, but my computer didn't fill in the username because no cookie had been preset to that page.

I almost began typing away and my gut told me to stop.
I looked at the address on the link that shows up at the top of the page when you hover the mouse over a hyper link and it was not

Jackarses spend all day trying to steal from us.

My mom got one of those emails saying we had some overdue fees for ebay, and her having great credit, almost jumped on it. But thank god she called me first. It was a scam if we've ever seen one. Ebay will actually never email you directly asking for personal information or anything that should be secure.

My mom got one of those emails saying we had some overdue fees for ebay, and her having great credit, almost jumped on it. But thank god she called me first. It was a scam if we've ever seen one. Ebay will actually never email you directly asking for personal information or anything that should be secure.

Nor will PayPal...................gotta be careful (from personal experience). Thieves SUCK!!!!!!!!!
You want to hear about thieves sucking... over spring break, while most of the group was on a mission trip, our campus ministries center got broken into. Stole computers, projectors, printers, among other things. Thats about the same as stealing from a church...

Giving up your eBay username and password is easier than you'd think

I once got a spoof email saying that "Ebay Security" suspected fraud on my account and I needed to log in and verify all of my data.

I clicked the link on the email to log in and it looked almost 100% like the eBay log in, but my computer didn't fill in the username because no cookie had been preset to that page.

I almost began typing away and my gut told me to stop.
I looked at the address on the link that shows up at the top of the page when you hover the mouse over a hyper link and it was not

Jackarses spend all day trying to steal from us.

Yeah, that's a common trend these days. "Phishing" it's called." Gotta be diligent and careful.
90, man, you don't remember, but at Furrs, you left your credit card receipt and I have been having some money issues so I thought you wouldn't mind if I bought a few things. By the way, on your next statement, you should see a charge for a lift and installation from Bubba's 4x4 and porn shop. LOL, Just Kidding dude, I hope they catch the *9)$#2! and put them away for a long time with Bubba. Take Care, KJ
That's why I try to only use my american express card. You can refuse any charge and American Express will go after the people involved. Your money is never tied up.

90, man, you don't remember, but at Furrs, you left your credit card receipt and I have been having some money issues so I thought you wouldn't mind if I bought a few things. By the way, on your next statement, you should see a charge for a lift and installation from Bubba's 4x4 and porn shop. LOL, Just Kidding dude, I hope they catch the *9)$#2! and put them away for a long time with Bubba. Take Care, KJ

:rofl: :rofl: :grin: :grin: :lol: :lol:
That's why I try to only use my american express card. You can refuse any charge and American Express will go after the people involved. Your money is never tied up.

I tried AmEx but alot of merchants still won't take it because of their fees being so high.

They do have great service to the cardholder.:-)

Don't forget that most places require the secure ID number on the back of the card, as well...