Cracked windshield


Staff member
The Jeep was fine when I went to bed (it was parked in my driveway), but when I woke up I found a big crack in the windshield.

At first I figured it was those pesky kids who are always on my lawn (waves fist in the air), but I can't see any place where a rock or other thing hit the windshield. It was warm and dry that night. Any idea why my windshield just cracked like that?


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If you had any chips at all,and they can be very small a sudden change in weather can do it.So if it cooled down some at night and the sun beat on it first thing in the am it can cause it to crack.I normally have problems in the winter,with the freezing cold then the heater running.

The chip in the windshield should be around the y split.