coil upgrade and transmission....question


New member
I am upgrading my coil to get more spark. Question is, can I take the red and green wire out of the coil adapter and just attach them straight to the coil. I am asking because my new coil will not accept the stock ford coil adapter. red wire to positive pole and green to negative pole on new coil, am I correct?

Also, 1st and 2nd gear are difficult to shift into. what are some reasons that may be causing this. Also, I am getting some chattering when shifting into reverse.

Thanks for all of your help.

Stock gearing differences???

get to autozone... buy 4 quarts of pennzoil synchromesh fluid.... drain your transmission, fill it up with the new fluid until it flows out.... go... now... i'm serious.... get back to us when its all done....

not sure on the coil problem, but the transmission is a japanese junker... when you have trouble getting into gears, it is because it won't synchronize.... 2 things can cause this.... A. the clutch is not opening all the way, and won't allow the input and layshaft synchronize with the output shaft.... or B. your synchronizers are going bad.... and in either case, when it won't go into gear, you have to push harder to get it there, and that wears on your synchronizers.... get that new fluid in there and see how it helps....

PS... reverse grinds for and unsynchronized reverse transmission.... before you shift into reverse, make sure you are at a complete stop, and shift into 2nd before you go to reverse
Don't know about the coil, but I did put an Accel SuperCoil on my 'ole 350 YJ and it needed some type of ceramic resistor wired inline with it. Not sure about your application.

Snitty, if he's speaking of his CJ5, it's not the Japanese junk you're thinking of. It will still benefit from a good synthetic gear oil, of the type recommended for that transmission.