New member
OK, 1979 CJ5 has steering problem that is making me berserk and my mechanic run and hide when he sees me coming. The Jeep goes straight down the road no problem, but when any steering correction is needed it “darts” so quickly it is a little scary. Great fun when making a sweeping turn at highway speeds. It is seriously unsafe. Just soes you know, I am 60 years old and have been a truck driver for the last 39 years. I have roughly 3 million miles so I’m not unfamiliar with how a vehicle should handle. This is my first Jeep, a project rig, but I have owned four wheel drives all my life including short wheel base ones. I have never seen anything quite like this. We have replaced everything I can think of accept the stabilizer. Aligned and re-aligned including dialing in a little more toe-in. It acts like it has too little caster but the specs say it’s good. Like I say, all steering components are new, including the power steering box. I hope someone out there has a fix for this. I’ve put a bunch of money in this little Jeep and I really want to keep it.