Cj idles rough when warms up. Please help!

kc jones

New member
Ok I have an 86 cj7 with the 258 4.2 liter. Clifford 4 barrel intake and holley 4 barrel carb. I recently put a cam and lifter kit,new carb, plugs, wires, cap, rotor and coil. I also did the nutter bypass. The problem i'm having is when take it for a drive it runs great until I come to an idle. It pos and misses and sounds horrible. However it still remains very responsive. If I let it sit and idle for a few minutes it eventually clears up until I go drive it again. What should I do? Could this be a ring or valve issue possibly?
I would check for a vacuum leak. All could be all is fine when cold but once warmed up everything expands which could be creating a leak.
Sounds like it's not getting enough gas when you let off the main jets. Maybe a clogged idle jet. I'd pull the carb and clean it out well with carb cleaner and possibly run guitar wire through some of the jets.

The vacuum leak is another good idea.

Has it always done this, or did it develop over time?

It was a vacume leak. The manifold bolts were a little loose and the brake booster vacume line was leaking. I drove it this evening and it ran fine. Thanks for the tips guys.
No jetting on carb. Out of the box and on to the jeep. I haven't pulled the plugs to look at them but it seems to be running fine. I ould like to up grade the ignition system next to see what else I could get out of it.