Cherokee pics. Lets see your rig

codybowman said:
How much did you end up paying

$7800. Was above my liking but it is in premo shape. It has lived in a garage for its whole life. Had to clean the injectors it sat so long. It has absolutely no blemishes worth mentioning. Amazing find for 11 years old. It did nothing more than get groceries I think.
2002 WJ GC Laredo Before and After

2002 WJ Grand Cherokee Laredo
Pre-Lift with new BFG 32"


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Me too. I'm currently designing my new bumper in cad. Have changed my design a million times. Have been contemplating posting a design thread on here about it. If any one is interested I will. Might help me finalize it.

Dustin; How is the progress coming on ur bumper design? I am also a CAD Designer and have been contemplating designing my own and have it fabbed here locally. What CAD Program are you using? I pretty much have everything that AutoDesk makes to include 3D.

If you want PM or reply and we can compare notes if you like.

WJMadman said:
Dustin; How is the progress coming on ur bumper design? I am also a CAD Designer and have been contemplating designing my own and have it fabbed here locally. What CAD Program are you using? I pretty much have everything that AutoDesk makes to include 3D.

If you want PM or reply and we can compare notes if you like.

Progress is a little slow as I don't have a ton of ambition after doing cad all day everyday at work. I have been doing most in AutoCAD and renderings in 3ds Max. Going to do the finalized model in inventor as it creates all my shop drawings for me.
Here my baby about 6in lift on 32 bfg km2 planning to put a another 4in of lift and run 35 hopefully should do that by the en of summer


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Here my baby about 6in lift on 32 bfg km2 planning to put a another 4in of lift and run 35 hopefully should do that by the en of summer

10" is a ton of lift for 35s. I'm running just short of 8" and 38s.
Ya I'm looking for a ton a flex plus it a daily driver so probly 35 for everyday and maybe bigger for offroad but idk yet I guess I'll c after I get the lift done I was just look at a couple of ur thread r u still running a short arm kit even with that much lift and wat axles did u use in urs
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Those pics are with about 7", drop brackets I hate but work till I build my 3 link, 35s and a 44 front and 60 rear out of a 78 F250. I'm currently building a front 60 to replace the 44. The pics with the RTI ramp are with stock axles and 6" on 35s, that's why I said 10" would be way high.

Nice thread! Had fun looking at all the different ideas for Cherokees. Mine is still a work in process but had a HOOT playing in the snow this past weekend.

Here are some poser shots while still in the process of building up. More pics on my build thread of some of the "behind the scenes" stuff.

4-1/2" RC front (RC discos, 5000 shocks, stabilizer, Control arm drop, X-series LCA), RC rear shocks (5000 series), RE 4-1/2" rear springs, IRO slip yoke eliminator and other JY upgrades happening.


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xjmarc said:
Those pics are with about 7", drop brackets I hate but work till I build my 3 link, 35s and a 44 front and 60 rear out of a 78 F250. I'm currently building a front 60 to replace the 44. The pics with the RTI ramp are with stock axles and 6" on 35s, that's why I said 10" would be way high.
It look nice tho man I think I just do the lift and see wat size to go with so I let u know when I do it all
xjmarc said:
Those pics are with about 7", drop brackets I hate but work till I build my 3 link, 35s and a 44 front and 60 rear out of a 78 F250. I'm currently building a front 60 to replace the 44. The pics with the RTI ramp are with stock axles and 6" on 35s, that's why I said 10" would be way high.

So with those axle was it basiclly bolt in or did u do alot of mods. On it cuz I want to do it but was wondering how hard it is
So with those axle was it basiclly bolt in or did u do alot of mods. On it cuz I want to do it but was wondering how hard it is

Rear is a no brainer but front can be a PITA. If you can afford it get a TNT truss or something simular. It takes out a lot of the guess work. If I had it to do over, and I am, I'd skip the 44 front and go with a 60. Prob skip the 60 rear and go with a 14 bolt as well but my 60 is built so I'll keep it.
xjmarc said:
Rear is a no brainer but front can be a PITA. If you can afford it get a TNT truss or something simular. It takes out a lot of the guess work. If I had it to do over, and I am, I'd skip the 44 front and go with a 60. Prob skip the 60 rear and go with a 14 bolt as well but my 60 is built so I'll keep it.

Thanx for all te advice man I guess I see wat my friend can get the axles for then I will figure if I'm goin to so it or not

Wish you were closer I got the perfect set of axles sitting out back, 44/9".
xjmarc said:
Wish you were closer I got the perfect set of axles sitting out back, 44/9".

That would of been nice but my boy dose alot of axles swap so he has a couple of them laying around so he basic either give them for free or for $25 a piece so it won't be that much at all

XjShake said:
I picked this beauty up today for 300 bucks

Looks good. Build that one. That's what I need to find for the wife to drive so I can get my truck back haha.