Carb Issues??? Slight Sputtering when raining....

JJs 88 Wrangler

New member
I have a 88 Wrangler 4.2L. Over that past winter and spring, I put a new engine in my Jeep. Everything is running pretty good until it starts to rain. I get a slight sputter while driving, and while idleing. Any ideas??? The rebuilt carb that I have on her is from prior to the rebuild, New distributor, fuel pump, egr valve. I was told to have her run rich until the engine breaks in. She only has about 750 miles on her now. If I try to lean her out a bit, she sputters a lot. Please Help....... Thank you in advance for any input to my issue.......

Have you checked for water intrusions that may cause the ignition wire or wires to create a mis-fire? another possibility is a Minute vac. leak that may be ingesting water to the combustion chamber. these are just possible causes, it's just to verify and possibly gather more symptoms. the fact that this concern is only evident when it rains , give's you a direction to diagnose the problem and maybe isolate the cause.
I'm wondering if the issue is within the ign. system wiring that's tied in your Lighting system. A partial short to ground possibly. are there any indications on the wiring Harness for a Rub through or Chaffing around the engine area or under the dash by the steering column?. another way to isolate issues on wiring harness is to wiggle the harness around where it sits, with the engine running and listen for the sputtering when it occurs. just be careful of all the moving parts on the engine while its running.
Well I wiggled all the harnesses, put a wire from the Neg. on Battery to the body, with no sucess. I started to do some troubleshooting, it seems only to sputter when the head lights are on, Not the parking lights. WTF...... Any ideas???? Thanks...
let me do some research on that. while doing some of the troubleshooting, did you notice any wires that have signs of overheating(turning in a diff. color) or feel any of the wires from the headlamp swithch to the fusebox and to the headlamp getting warm?

I didn't feel anything getting warm, nor did I see any overheated wires.
Thanks for your help. I am going to go check her out some more right now..

Thanks again...
No Go... Still having the issue. I posted a new thread stating the updated finds on my issue.

Very Strange Issue...... Slight sputtering when head lights are on?????