car stereo help

josue estrada

New member
hey guys,
Im trying to help my buddy install a new stereo in his 2006 wrangler. just wondering where to connect the red, yellow and black cables that I have left. if anyone is good with stereos let me know

There should be a schematic on the net...look under type of rig and stereo wire harness. Hope that helps.
tried that already. we connected everything except the yellow red and black cables. They didn't match with what the schematics said. We looked a bit more on the net and still nothing matched so I'm a bit confused right now. I know that the red is for ignition and the yellow would be for the power source so it doesn't drain the battery and black would be ground but don't know what cables to connect them with.
Run the yellow dirrectly to the bat, ground the black to metal and run the red to fuse box in a ignition source. should work.