Car is clunking in lots of snow tonight


New member
RE: Have you ever had Muddy Nutz?

There is a ton of snow coming to Minnesota tonight and I need to get around my 4x4 high i guess it clunks or jerks when im driving what could this be. It does it at all speeds and when im turning it sort of jerks on and off. Is this a transfer case problem? it only does this in 4x4. And should i stop driving with 4x4 on just incase something is breaking
RE: Body lift

Did you experience this on a dry road? If you were just testing it out on a dry road, it will do that around turns. As a matter of fact it'll play hell on your differential and tires.

If you were referring to it happening in mud, snow, ice, etc then sorry for stating the obvious but I had to ask.
Could also be a bad transfer case chain, jumping on the cogs.

Start by inspecting the front axle ujoints. Some hop in 4wd while turning is normal, more so on dry surfaces.

RE: Can

it COULD just be that your tires are compacting the snow. but then again, what do i know. i just drive in mine all the time.
i'm with the others... if you were trying it on pavement... its normal.. and its still normal if it happens a little while turning on any surface... but if you do it on ice, it shouldn't do it if you are not turning sharp
If it's happening on slippery, good for 4X4 surfaces, I would say axle u-joints... My roomies are shot, his sounds like hell, problem is, I don't know exaclty how to change them yet.