
From my apology thread a few months ago:

Sparky-Watts said:
As for me, I will try my best to keep from being an ******* anymore in the forums. If you see it happening again, please let me know. If I see it happening, the moderators won't have to worry about chastising me, as I will remove myself from the forums until I can get my head on straight again.

I didn't catch it in time, but Bounty did. See ya in the funny papers.
I think it has to do with the "locked" "stupid consumers" thread and the different things that were going on there. There was lots of ugly stuff and I guess Sparky just needed to take a break and re-assess. He wasn't the only guilty party, but such is life. Nothin' near what goes on on Pirate, but I think most Jeepz'ers are above that. That's my take on it anyway..........Hope he comes back!

Wow, people need to calm down a little. It's just the internet. Turn your computer off and walk away if someone makes you mad...I don't see why it's that hard.

What's the point in getting into huge arguments and saying stuff here that you know will make others mad??
88Wrangles said:
Wow, people need to calm down a little. It's just the internet......................

Hit the nail on the head. It's cyber-posing, I suppose. If you get into that kinda stuff, Pirate seems like the perfect place (and I'm sure there are thousands more). I've had my dander up a few times on here myself, but sat back and thought (as you said), "It's only the internet". You ain't gonna change any minds on here - just read the posts and you can figure where everyone's coming from. Say your piece and everyone else will take it their own way.
Ok Pirate is in its own world, no need to even relate it to here. Its more of an a-hole sarcasm over there unless you just go all out dumb and ask how much body lift can you put on to clear 44's on a Jeep. Theres a place for everything and Pirate isn't necessarily everyone's place for questions. It is however one of the largest collections of information related to offroading on the web.

On the other note, this is the internet, we are all friends, and we are all mature. Opinions are opinions and every should be able to handle each others. Just kind and apologize if you offend someone and try your best not to do so to start with. Grudges are for little girls, and we don't need that here. If you think what you say might offend someone and you don't want it taken that way, make note of it. Otherwise deal with it, people have opinions and MOST of the time they are no reason to get riled up because of disagreements.

My .02.


And Sparky, I think we're all friends here so don't worry about it buddy, everyone has disagreements, just come back and hang out. There is only one person that I truely honest to god hate, and I cannot count how many people have fought, been mad at, etc and I'm still friends with almost every person I know. Point being whatever it was, we will get over it. I haven't read the thread but unless you threatened to take someones first born and slaughter it in sacrifice of some demon god, I think its probably forgivable.
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wait a tick................

Nope still don't care, Internet, get over it, people can easily disagree over the internet bacause it is hard to type with emotions.

On my clubs board we have a little joke that goes as follows,

[sarcasm] bchcky, your such a dork [/sarcasm]

See, he knows I was joking, and that it should not be taken seriously.

Ease up, move on.

If it matter for anything, I forgive everyone!

P.S. Bchcky still is a dork
Errybody settle down. This matter was settled via PM between SW and I (at least any issues between he and I were) All is right and I feel safe to say that there is no ill will between us. I'll leave it at that.

I'm surprised SW hasn't been back on though...

[sarcasm]whattya need, a written invitaion?[/sarcasm]

How's that Johnny?

TwistedCopper said:
[sarcasm]whattya need, a written invitaion?[/sarcasm]

Still waiting for that written invitation.....

[sarcasm]whassa matta, can't get the grocery-getter started to go get some stationery?[/sarcasm]

Yeah, everythings ok with me and TC now. Sorry guys.

I know it's only the internet, but ya gotta understand, I've got more friends on the internet than in real life, so I need to take care of them best I can, and being nasty on here didn't help any. I hope you can all forgive me for my behavior.

Now, who's up for another emotionally charged debate? I say wheat bread is better than white, and anybody who likes white bread is a commo pinko sympathizer!!!

:purple: :purple: :purple:

judge09 said:
Well while you were gone I whooped up on your high score in Alien Invasion :)

Sure, kick a man while he's down....that's low, Judge, really, really low!!:purple:
Jeeps? Huh, what a novel idea.

As for bread, I have recently been buying Pepperidge Farms' Oatmeal bread. That stuff is awesome toasted with some butter on it, but it truly shines with Skiipy Super Chunk and Welch's Grape Jam. Man I gotta go fix me a sammich!
Sorry folks, I am a white man who likes white bread and that's what I am sticking to. They say all the other is more healthy, but not when you smother it in all the garb. Go White Bread! After all, what did we all pull out of our moms grocery bag when we were little to ball up and shove in our mouths. LOL, Take Care, KJ

KrazyJeeper said:
They say all the other is more healthy, but not when you smother it in all the garb
I don't eat it because it's healthy, I eat it because it tastes better than that risen bleached flour product you speak of.