Brotherly greeting from Venezuela!


New member
Hello. I have 45 years of age,5 foot 10 inches. I like very much the Jeep, I have a CJ-7 of 82. It is my first Jeep and I have it since then. I like much the nature. I have two daughters, one of 15 and other one of 20 studies right. They are my big loves. I like much the country music. I live in Guarenas, Miranda, Venezuela. From here I want to send brotherly and great regards to all.

Welcome to Jeepz!

As far as your English you are doing great,better than half the kids I know.

Thanks, xt master.
Really I'm grateful for your comment. It does that I strain day after day more.
Bienvenido. Some of us understand you in both languages.

Muchas gracias, Off-Air.
Es bueno saberlo, lo tendre en cuenta.

Gracias mil a todos por sus buenos deseos y saludos. Really from the bottom of my, it was not waiting less that we like the nature and a jeep, Thanks.