

Active member
loss of Power and rough idle

I hate going to school! i cant have a job , therefore i have no money. i hate this why do i need to go to school when i know everything that i need to know to work what the F? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
im so broke i cant even buy a lollipop.....

Just be glad that your not like me or my hero Al Bundy,...Poor, Broke, and Married with Chrildren.
Hey that's me poor broke and married with children, oh and going to school. My wife works and I go to school then take care of our son. Been like that since he was born 13 months ago. Man it is a lot harder when you have kids. Oh well I will live with broke and hope to make a lot of money soon. Or at least a little more than I have now.
i'm still in school as well, as of wednesday i had 3 pennies left in my wallet. luckily i got paid today, but its all going towards jeep related things (half of it is gone already!). ahh the joys of being a poor college student!!

When I was younger in Boston,(and broke) I worked a 45 hour a week job. 3 hrs. of school 4 nites a week.I drove 150 miles a day. I'm not broke now and everything I learned in school has paid off in spades. If it was easy everyone would do it, hang in there.
It's tough dude, but hang in there. I'm 30, and right now soooo happy that I have the options my degree affords me, but I know for the time being it sucks. Stay in school. Even though it's true that you probably know what you need to know, the population at large won't recognize that. Unfair maybe but true.

And, this damn jeep thing keeps my wallet empty too. AND so do my student loans. It's all a trade off.
leaf springs

ughhhhhhh damm empty wallet sux, id rather have a full wallet till i find something for my jeep to empty it on hehehe

I hear ya! I'm a poor college student myself. It sux, but I'm sure it will all be woth it (it better be!). Until then, I am not worried about all the luxuries of life. I live a modest life and I sometimes save up enough money to add something onto my Jeep, But like I told my girlfriend, once I'm out of school, I plan on making my mostly stock Jeep into a "Monster Machine". Hang in there bud, and oh yea, play the lottery. I always seem to win money when I most need it!-Al
echo sentiments, hang in there. on april fool's of this year, i got laid off from my white collar job then as i was driving to a possible job lead, got t-boned by a driver with a learner's permit. didn't get to play a joke on anyone that day. a first in some time. then a couple weeks later on easter sunday, a group of minorities stole my kayak from its perch on the beach. not lamenting, just want to say-you always hear how people turn to drugs when their down on the luck-i was thinking the whole time-how could they afford drugs? i was and am still like you, counting pennies in the reservoir. hope this helps as much as this-school sucks, stay stoned.
I have two Teenage Sons, one Jeep, and 2 house guest here yeap you can say I am borke. But I am happy and that goes much futher than money any day! tug :wink:

Of course we are all broke. Don't you people remember what Jeep stands for??!!?? Just Empty Every Pocket.

Of course Greywolf and I have seven Jeeps between us, that vortex of Jeepage sucks up not only all of our spare cash but time as well. But you know what they say, "Jeeping is not just transportation. It is a way of life."