Breather hose locations


New member
This may sound stupid, but where the heck is my AX5 breather hose???? It's the only breather I can't find on my 95 YJ.

Help :!:

What year Jeep? My '95 has a breather cap (similar to what's on the end of the diff vent hose) directly in front of the shift tower, there is no hose. I've installed a '91 and '92 transmission, neither of them had the vent. I don't know which year between '92 and '95 they started putting them on the AX5.

If you don't have the breather cap, you can drill and tap this location (shift tower easily removed with the transmission in the Jeep). You can also install a shift tower from a newer transmission, if you can locate just that piece. Always good to have a spare AX5 around though :roll:

:cry: Bounty hunter, It's a 95 2.5. I've fondled the section in front of the shift tower and have not foud the breather, the only thing that even resembles the breather vent cap is the shift tower bolts! So I guess my AX5 doesn't have one. Is that bad?

I can see the tcase breather easy tho.

Anyways, why do diffs and gearboxes have breathers? Is it like a valve
to let the expanding hot air escape or else it would blow by the seals?

That's why an engine has breathers rite?

The gear oil will expand and contract with changes in temp, thus the air needs to vent when the fluid expands.

Ya, doubt your transmission has a vent cap. I wouldn't worry about it, one less place for water to get in.

Come to stink about it, my T18 doesn't have one! I was gonna add one to the top shifter plate! Haven't done it yet. Your transmission may not need one with the shift lever being the vent.

As I posted a couple of weeks ago, not many manual transmissions have vent hoses. Because of the shifter, these transmissions are not completely sealed. It can vent thru the shifter cover. :roll: