Mingez, slow down there big guy and read the posts. I hardly think my first post to you falls into the catergory of flaming. I didnt call you an idiot. I think you have made profound statements on this board. But, I think that putting Arafat and Sharon on the same level is an illogical statement and idiotic was my adjective to describe my feelings on your statement. Maybe if I used a different adjective you wouldnt be so hurt. If people truely are everything they say then I am sure I too am an idiot. Who hasnt said or done something stupid at one point in time. One event doesnt define who you are. Dont take things so personal. As for my response, I was not trying to build a case for Sharon to win the Nobel prize, that would not be following the "spirit of the board." On top of that I dont have the time. I was just pointing out the irony in your response by asking if I based my response on conjecture when your arguement only contained Yahoo searches. Obviously most websites are based on conjecture (I am sure a ford bronco site would be a whole lot different than this one and not because it was based on research) and that was what you were referencing to. As for your inquiries about my nationality, I am 100% American and do not have any hidden agenda, but as with any topic on this forum I voice my opinion why I disagree with something. Take a deep breath and relax. I didnt realize you were so touchy with the term idiotic. I apologize and will keep my adjectives more civil. I spent all sunday at a tailgate and football game, my potty mouth must have carried over.

judge09 said:
Mingez, slow down there big guy and read the posts. I hardly think my first post to you falls into the catergory of flaming. I didnt call you an idiot. I think you have made profound statements on this board. But, I think that putting Arafat and Sharon on the same level is an illogical statement and idiotic was my adjective to describe my feelings on your statement. Maybe if I used a different adjective you wouldnt be so hurt. If people truely are everything they say then I am sure I too am an idiot. Who hasnt said or done something stupid at one point in time. One event doesnt define who you are. Dont take things so personal. As for my response, I was not trying to build a case for Sharon to win the Nobel prize, that would not be following the "spirit of the board." On top of that I dont have the time. I was just pointing out the irony in your response by asking if I based my response on conjecture when your arguement only contained Yahoo searches. Obviously most websites are based on conjecture (I am sure a ford bronco site would be a whole lot different than this one and not because it was based on research) and that was what you were referencing to. As for your inquiries about my nationality, I am 100% American and do not have any hidden agenda, but as with any topic on this forum I voice my opinion why I disagree with something. Take a deep breath and relax. I didnt realize you were so touchy with the term idiotic. I apologize and will keep my adjectives more civil.

Hey buddy, I'm always relaxed, but thanks for the concern. I did however take offense to the adjective. And I appreciate you opinion and want you to voice it whenever possible. I just thought you were extremely upset..and puzzled by it. But as usual, intonation doesn't translate on this board. But it wasn't a "Constructive" response I think you'll agree.
But right on, many people disagree with me on many things...what's one more? :lol:

As for the irony you suggest, you are correct, websites usually are based on conjecture. Again, I was just illustrating a point: conjecture or not: I'm not the only one with that opinion of Sharon. And I think to suggest that the statement I made was so insane, wasn't necessarily so. The much reporting- be it media, books, websites, or otherwise are so numerous that the stance shouldn't (IMO) even warrant the term.

As usual, I suggest we should agree to disagree.

Ian "Big Guy" Dominguez :lol: :wink:
"Big Guy" is a very endearing term that few people get from me, you should feel honored. I dropped you a PM and just so everyone knows...we are cool.
Oh yeah, I know it was an endearing term. Hence the smiley. :wink:

Damn... I'm gonna take a break from the debating. Geez, my brain hurts ahhhh. 90xjay, don't you say a thing! :lol: 8)

Mazal-Mazal...good things. :lol:


It'll be a short break if I know you as well as I think I do...

Big Guy! :lol:

Endearingly yours,

The Conservative Nutjob who will do his best to draw you back in :wink:
Boy, you take a couple days away from the board and the whole thing goes to crap. :lol: :lol:

Ok, now how 'bout a big ol' Jeepz dot com group hug? You in, "Big Guy"?

Hmmm.....methinks Mingez just got a new nickname!