Bent axle or alignment?


New member
I've got an 83 CJ-7 with stock axles, 4 in suspension lift, 1 in body lift, 33 in tires on it. About 2k miles ago, I had the front end realigned and new tires put on. The other day I noticed that my tires are canted in just slightly. The top is in maybe 1/4 more than the bottom. My buddy said I may have bent my axle, but I take good care of the jeep and haven't driven off road in a few months. Is it still possible to have bent an axle? Is it the alignment? Do larger tires throw the front end alignment off more quickly?

Thanks for your help

the colprut could be bad balljoints but i am not entirly sure about this. however i would suspect the aligment first. get another aligment and rotate your tires front to back. i would try this first. also check for any play in the wheel by jacking up a corner and grab the tire on the top and bottom and check for any excessive play or movment. hope this helps a little.