Batwoman is a lesbian!

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90Xjay said:
Boy, ok.... here we go.. again......

In order to reproduce a healthy male and female human must join together. When both are healthy and normal, offspring is produced. When one or both are infertile, but still try to reproduce they are following normal behavior to reproduce, just without the desired results.

When a homosexual engages in whatever act(s) they do, there is, never has been, and never will be any hope of natual reproduction. The two male bodys can't reproduce because the parts aren't there. It wasn't designed for reproduction with another male. Is it really that hard to understand?? So when one male puts a organ into an orfice that was designed for expelling human waste what is the purpose other than pleasure?

I hate to be so graphic but jeezz some folks need alot of expaination.

This reminds me of the post a few months back about the two men and the horse... was the purpose of that to produce a man-horse offspring?

No--- it was to satisify some sexual deviance... it's time to get real about this. It's not that hard to figure out folks......

And the sole purpose of sex is reproduction??? That's the only reason people engage in sexual activity?

This is such a wishful thinking argument. People have sex because IT FEELS GOOD. And plenty of straight couples engage in sexual acts that have no chance of producing offspring.

socal_rob said:
I didn't mean to imply that you personally are ridiculing anyone. My apologies if it came across that way.

Yes, one discriminates every day in the choices one makes. But you can't reasonably compare the way one discriminates between two pairs of pants and the way society discriminates against gay people. Come on, seriously.

Your right... I just think that the term discrimination has been made evil when in fact it is not a bad thing. If you went into a resturaunt and a bunch of loud lumberjacks were in there smoking and telling loud dirty jokes, you might discrimnate and choose to not eat lunch there. That does not make you bad.
If you then went to your car and made a bunch of signs and started protesting outside chanting anti-lumberjack slogans, you, while still having the right to free speech might upset lumberjacks in general and you should consider the feelings and rights of the lumberjacks to be lumberjacks..
socal_rob said:
And the sole purpose of sex is reproduction??? That's the only reason people engage in sexual activity?

This is such a wishful thinking argument. People have sex because IT FEELS GOOD. And plenty of straight couples engage in sexual acts that have no chance of producing offspring.

What is the main purpose of the action???? Reproduction.
don't try and tell me otherwise that is is all for pleasure and by the way it makes babies also.

Why do we eat food?? TO SURVIVE!!!
Does some food taste good and give pleasure? Sure it does, but the main purpose of eating is to nurish the body.

Sorry, your gonna loose this one........
90Xjay said:
Do you actually need to have it explained that the better model for the human race to thrive and continue is to have 6 billion people with a million who can't reproduce verses an entire planet of "natural" gay people who can't reproduce?

Where did the idea of a gay planet come from anyway? Who suggested that? You and several others keep bringing the "designer", God, whatever into the equation. Several people have suggested that gay people CHOOSE to be gay, which I find utterly ridiculous for very obvious reasons.

So, my point was - and remains - simply that if reproduction is the point of sexual relationships, then what's the difference between a sterile heterosexual and a homosexual? Did the "designer" screw up and make a sterile heterosexual? The Christian right needs for homosexuality to be a choice - or they can't very well vilify it. So, is sterility a choice? And, if not - if sterile people were created that way - then why can't homosexuals also be born that way? Either way, the "designer" screwed up.

90Xjay said:
What is the main purpose of the action???? Reproduction.
don't try and tell me otherwise that is is all for pleasure and by the way it makes babies also.

Why do we eat food?? TO SURVIVE!!!
Does some food taste good and give pleasure? Sure it does, but the main purpose of eating is to nurish the body.

Sorry, your gonna loose this one........

The main purpose is what the individuals make of it. Choose to wear a condom (or take the pill, or whatever) and the purpose changes. The INTENDED biological purpose does not change. However, the purpose - from the standpoint of the people engaged in the sexual activity - does change. It is about pleasure, not reproduction, for them.

As for your food argument, it's specious. Again, the biological requirement is to eat for survival. But we don't NEED to eat 99% of the things we do. We don't need to bake cakes, enjoy tastey BBQs, etc. These things we do for PLEASURE.

Sorry, I think I'm winning this one.
socal_rob said:
Where did the idea of a gay planet come from anyway? Who suggested that? You and several others keep bringing the "designer", God, whatever into the equation. Several people have suggested that gay people CHOOSE to be gay, which I find utterly ridiculous for very obvious reasons.

So, my point was - and remains - simply that if reproduction is the point of sexual relationships, then what's the difference between a sterile heterosexual and a homosexual? Did the "designer" screw up and make a sterile heterosexual? The Christian right needs for homosexuality to be a choice - or they can't very well vilify it. So, is sterility a choice? And, if not - if sterile people were created that way - then why can't homosexuals also be born that way? Either way, the "designer" screwed up.

Just play along for one second here... just humor me and answer this question with all the honesty you can.

IF there were only one sexual orientation, gay or staight, which one of the two would best benefit the continuation of the human race?

logic dictates, hetrosexuality as the right choice. A sterile hetrosexual is still behaving in the manner that best suits the human race.
90Xjay said:
Your right... I just think that the term discrimination has been made evil when in fact it is not a bad thing.

I disagree. I think it is a very bad thing when applied towards people. You suggest that "discrimination" is nothing more than making a choice. This is one definition. However, when we speak of equality in society, discrimination is a very bad thing.

90Xjay said:
Just play along for one second here... just humor me and answer this question with all the honesty you can.

IF there were only one sexual orientation, gay or staight, which one of the two would best benefit the continuation of the human race?

logic dictates, hetrosexuality as the right choice. A sterile hetrosexual is still behaving in the manner that best suits the human race.

Of course heterosexuality best benefits the human race. HOWEVER, a planet of sterile heterosexuals is no better than a planet of homosexuals in terms of species survival.

You have now failed several times to answer my question. Is sterility a choice? If not, did the "designer" screw up and create a faulty product? If yes, then what's the difference between the sterile heterosexual and the homosexual?

And what if the sterile heterosexual always wears a condom? Or the not sterile heterosexual? They are choosing to not benefit the human race. No different than gay people in the sense that sexual activity = reproduction. All birth control is a conscious choice to not allow sexual activity to have its intended biological effect.

So, getting back to the whole "someone chooses to be gay" argument, what's the difference between a person choosing to be gay and a person choosing to use birth control? If you're going to focus so narrowly on reproduction, you have to admit there's really no difference between a homosexual act that has no hope of producing offspring and a heterosexual act where the participants make a conscious choice to prevent the act from reaching its inevitable, biologically-desired conclusion.

Humor me...
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socal_rob said:
Of course heterosexuality best benefits the human race. HOWEVER, a planet of sterile heterosexuals is no better than a planet of homosexuals in terms of species survival.

There will NEVER be an entire planet of sterile hetrosexuals.. however if the entire planet were homosexual.. they would all indeed be unable to reproduce and the human race would die out.

Overall it is more normal and healthy for an infertile, monogamous, husband and wife to engage in the act, even without the hope of reproducing than it is for for Fred and Tom to put their male organs into places with fecile matter, not designed for that, risking bacterial infections. Again, this is basic stuff here.
I am sooo sorry I haven't been able to respon yet, but I have alot of projects going on and have to go coach baseball now.

I will though, and I am very much looking forward to dispelling some of the false assumptions here.

Later tonight...

A couple of rambling thoughts..

There could be an entire plant of sterile heterosexuals, human fecundity steadily declined during the 20th century. You hammer your boys with enough chemicals, radio waves, and radiation who knows what will happen. Not to mention all the bad music that is floating around these days.

Seems to me that the whole issue is a whole lot a do about nothing. Sometimes I use a screwdriver as a chisel, or a crescent wrench as a hammer; as long as they're my tools (or the tools of another consenting adult) why would anyone else care what I do with them.

Additionally, normal is typically a human qualification of unquantifiable information, normal is an arbitrary point based the majority of the population being perpendicularly abnormal from the point that is normal. The problem is that most people try and define normal based on their own perspective, which of course is most often skewed because they themselves are from one of the two lines of people that are in fact abnormal.

That and Fred and Tom aren't doing anything anywhere anytime that **** and Jane aren't doing as well. Well except for vaginal sex.

Plus the idea of the homosexual conspiracy is a little silly, homosexuals have been around forever living prominent lives, the ancient world was chocked full of them. I have many homosexual friends and never have I met a homosexual that was straight and then was converted by some form of brainwashing or coercion. Typically they are gay and kept acting straight by coercion, not the other way around.

And of course bat woman is gay
1) throws a mean punch
2) drives a motorcycle (while aptly covering her assets)
3) angry at burly men
4) hangs out with men who are wealthy, toned, well dressed, and have fabulous hair
90Xjay said:
There will NEVER be an entire planet of sterile hetrosexuals.. however if the entire planet were homosexual.. they would all indeed be unable to reproduce and the human race would die out.

Actually, if the entire planet were homosexual, they could reproduce. While they might be inclined to have intimate relationships (sexual or otherwise) with members of the same sex, they could choose to engage in sexual activity with the opposite sex in order to produce off-spring. A sterile heterosexual planet couldn't do this.

Of course this argument has now crossed into the realm of being ridiculous if you ask me. :-)

90Xjay said:
Overall it is more normal and healthy for an infertile, monogamous, husband and wife to engage in the act, even without the hope of reproducing than it is for for Fred and Tom to put their male organs into places with fecile matter, not designed for that, risking bacterial infections. Again, this is basic stuff here.

I hate to break it to you, but the husband and wife are probably sticking things in all sorts of places. Plenty of heterosexual couples engage in non-vaginal intercourse. It's so funny how people who dislike homosexuality can't seem to focus on anything other than the sexual act itself. They couldn't care less about the people, their feelings for each other, their wishes, their dreams. None of that matters. It's just about the butt. How shallow.

socal_rob said:
..... None of that matters. It's just about the butt. How shallow.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
In re-reading this thread, as well as the private messages I have received, I've realized a few things. I never intended to get into a debate about homosexuality on here, but the thread caught my eye and I couldn't resist.

Now more than ever it is vital for people of principal to stand up to the outright lies being foisted upon society by the right wing. The right wing seems to believe that if they tell the lie (whatever it is) enough, it will become truth. Science isn't important. Evidence isn't important. Fact isn't important. Just keep repeating the same thing over and over again - and somehow it will become truth.

I'm sometimes discouraged by the direction this country has taken. While the rest of world seems to be opening up, the US seems determined to isolate itself. Within our own country, so many people are simply accepting the lies or trying to explain them away. We've become so fearful, almost paranoid. There are so many enemies. The Muslims, the gays. Who's next?

It blows me away that some politicians actually have the nerve to say that gay marriage is the biggest threat to our nation. The biggest threat??? Are they insane? And why do so many people allow themselves to be manipulated by such nonsense? Are they so afraid? Is it better to have a whipping boy than actually address real problems in society? It boggles my mind...

This debate has really encouraged me. A few bigots aside, I'm really impressed by how tolerant and understanding the majority of posters are. The bigots rely on superstition and dogma to explain their hatred of gays (all the while claiming to not hate anyone...yeah, right), while the rest of us take a more enlightened view of the matter.

I see people from all ages, areas of the country, backgrounds, etc. standing up to summarily reject bigotry and discrimination. Some of you, I'm sure, consider yourselves to be religious (Christian or otherwise), yet you aren't letting church-sanctioned bigotry stand in the way of treating other human beings with dignity and respect. This gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, we're headed in the right direction after all.

90Xjay said:
That would be lie #1

That would be lie #2

And let me guess, Noah's flood created the Grand Canyon, right? All of those early human fossils from WAY BEFORE Christ walked the earth are fakes? It's a giant conspiracy, I suppose.

No one can say with absolute certainty that the earth is X years old. However numerous scientific studies have dated parts of the planet and given us a very clear idea of how old this big ball of confusion actually is.

Same goes for evolution.

The only lies are the ones you choose to believe. Of course I'd love to see your "evidence" to disprove the planet's age and evolution. Bring it on. I'm waiting. Just like I'm waiting for you to answer the other questions I've posed. But, as is usually the case with dogmatic thinkers, they don't answer questions - because they can't. Instead they just repeat the same lines over and over and over again - as if that somehow makes them true.

Show me a shred of evidence. Just one.
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You know after reviewing this thread, I've realized a few things. How desperate people can be when trying shove a belief system down your throat. When out of one side of the matter we hear "it's my private life and what happens in my bedroom is my business" then in the next breath. "It's normal and your should just accept my lifestyle without saying one word or expressing your opinon"

Now more than ever it is vital for people of principal to stand up to the outright lies being foisted upon society by the left wing. The liberal left wing seems to believe that if they tell the lie (whatever it is) enough, it will become truth. Science isn't important. Evidence isn't important. Fact isn't important. Just keep repeating the same thing over and over again - and somehow it will become truth.

This debate has really discouraged me. Just because I don't think the way you do and have a biblical outlook on these matters, I am called a bigot and accused of ridicule and discrimination. Where is the "tolorance" you scream about Rob for my views? Am I the only one who is supposed to stand around and listen to some of this garbage and keep my mouth shut. Are my rights to an opinion second hand to yours?

Just because I don't agree with someones lifestyle or religous training, does not mean that when I meet that person in a store or on the street that they do not get a handshake and hello from me. One of my best friends is of a totally diferent faith. You paint people who disagree with your as anti-social, anti-mainstream, and non-enlightened. You should not use such broad strokes when you paint my friend.

The truth is the world is not headed in the right direction. Turn on the news and after an hour of CNN you'll likey be disgusted. The world and society is a wreck. Some societys in Europe are already there, like in someplaces where the Netherlands where pedofiles are free to roam without fear of proscecution.
Drugs, gambling, selfishness, greed, murder, abortion by the millions, the things that can ruin a people.
America and her people are hurting.
socal_rob said:
And let me guess, Noah's flood created the Grand Canyon, right? All of those early human fossils from WAY BEFORE Christ walked the earth are fakes? It's a giant conspiracy, I suppose.

No one can say with absolute certainty that the earth is X years old. However numerous scientific studies have dated parts of the planet and given us a very clear idea of how old this big ball of confusion actually is.

Same goes for evolution.

The only lies are the ones you choose to believe. Of course I'd love to see your "evidence" to disprove the planet's age and evolution. Bring it on. I'm waiting. Just like I'm waiting for you to answer the other questions I've posed. But, as is usually the case with dogmatic thinkers, they don't answer questions - because they can't. Instead they just repeat the same lines over and over and over again - as if that somehow makes them true.

Show me a shred of evidence. Just one.

You're the one who said that the planets age and that evolution can be proved.... your the one now that must bring evidence. Why did you turn that around spin dr. Rob?

The left and the right are essentially the same, entirely consumed with making others conform to their notions and values. Different notions and values, same goal, to restrict the liberty of certian groups of people for transient reasons through legislation.

Liberty is more than being free, its being able to ignore others being free when their expression of freedom annoys/offends you.
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