bad yj parking break?


New member

my orgional parking brake was shot, so i sent it to the dealer (it was on recal anwayway) and i had them re-due it. That break was a piece of crap and for whatever reason broke after about 2 weeks. so i sent it back in and had em replace it again. When i first got it back, the brake cable was real tight, (like the first second one) and i could bairly push it down much. after a while it streched out and not its just like the first one. i have to crank it down to the floor to get it to hold, and on a steep incline, its no good. Its like i could have never bothered w/ the reacal and have as much break ability as before. Is this something just to be expected w/ yj parking breaks or am i getting the royal dealer-up-the-wazoo? has anyone else experenced this?


Take it to someone who knows about brakes and ask them to check if your back brakes are out of adjustment. My friend just bought a 93' YJ and his e-brake was not working up to par, so he brought it into the service station I work at and are brake guy looked at it and said that the back brakes were out of adjustment. Hope that helps Evan[addsig]

Yeah, your rear brakes could be out of alignment. On my onld escort the parking brake never worked and it turned out to be that the brakes were out of alignment. I just got my parking brake replaced by the dealer on tuesday. They replaced the pedal assembly, and the 3 cables from it. Did your dealer replace the cables? if not that might be it also.


I took my 90 YJ in a couple months ago and they replaced the parking brake assembly I was having trouble getting my parking brake adjusted so I had them look at my rear brakes while I had it there. They noticed the self adjusting assembly on my passenger rear had the wrong type on it and replaced that also. I cant remember what they charged me, so it must not have been much. Parking brake works good now.[addsig]