I'm pretty much done with my frame repair and I think it turned out ok. [I'll post pics soon.] There's alot of other things that need attention before it's my daily ride and I knew this when I got it. It had set idle for a couple years and that's never good but I drove it home. Anyway, it had set there on the jack stands thru the last two snows we've had and I hated not being able to drive it. The weather man has been saying that a big one is on the way and should start tonite. Well after a 60hr work week, when I got off Saturday I set out to get it going. Determined to have it going and to drive it tomorrow. After doing quite a bit of rolling around on the cold ground, working on everything from brakes to the hardtop I made a victory lap around the block! Back hatch still wasn't on and missing a door glass she drove great! I pulled in the yard, it was just getting dark and I heard the loudest squeal! I raised the hood and noticed the alt wasn't turning but the belts were! I decided it just wasn't meant to be. I've got an old chevy in the field I could rob one off of. Maybe tomorrow, did feel good to drive it though.
I purposely left from the muffler back off when I took it for the drive, sounded goooood!
I purposely left from the muffler back off when I took it for the drive, sounded goooood!